- High Schools
- Week 2
Monday, January 13, 2025 Communist Manifesto lesson
Read the Communist Manifesto
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Communist Manifesto lesson
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 LN Go over utopian socialists Pro/Con Response
Weaknesses of Capitalism (what did Marx see that led him to his conclusions?): Factory Conditions, child labor, ASSEMBLY LINE ACTIVITY, uglies of Capitalism
Discuss Romanticism Online Assignment (Due Tuesday)-----------------------------------------------------
Thursday, January 16, 2025 2002 DBQ Identify the issues raised by the growth of Manchester and analyze the various reactions to
those issues over the course of the nineteenth century.-------------------------------------------------------
Friday, January 17, 2025
Play Chopin
Discuss Romanticism and Germaine de Stael----------------------------------------------------
Saturday, January 18, 2025 No Class Work on the Romanticism Online Assignment Sunday, January 19, 2025 No Class
Romanticism Online Assignment
Romanticism Online Assignment
Romanticism Online
Read Carefully Ch 23 pp. 766-772 on Romanticism
- Revisit p. 611 on Rousseau and write a summary of his distancing from the rationalism
of the Enlightenment.
- How does the book;, p. 766 say that romanticism was a revolt against classicism. How did the French Revolution contribute to the onset of romanticism?
- Give several defining characteristics of romanticism from pp. 766 bottom to 767. What were they rebelling against - upset about in the early 1800's? and history?
- What about literature? What does text say about Wordsworth p. 768? Read "Daffodils" and comment on it. Read Germaine de Stael and 768-80 and 770. How was she a trailblazer for woman's rights?
- Who were the romantics in music and why? If Haydn, Mozart and early Beethoven are considered from the classical age, how do these musicians differ?
- ART: Read the couple of paragraphs on p.-770. Then write a description of Nature and the Meaning of Life by Friedrich p. 767 and of P. 771 painting. The painting is not famous but its subjects are famous. Continue with the very famous Massacre at Chios by Eugene Delacroix. Explain why it is considered romanticism.
- Then go to www.artchive.com and click on the Mona Lisa. Scroll down until you find Romanticism and double click.
- Study the Friedrich's and the Fuseli's and pick one painting from their image list that speaks the spirit of romanticism the best to you as you understand it. Explain why.
- Go to Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People. Study it and the two detailed
pictures listed below it. Explain its significance— remember the Revolution of 1830 in
- Go to list of artists on the left and scroll down to Gericault. Go to his image list and click
on Raft of the Medusa. Study it and try to decide how it is linked to romanticism. Then
type in http://www.pogues.com/Misc/Medusa.html and take notes on the history behind
the painting.
- Go back to Artchive and click on John Mallard Turner. Click on image list and determine what is happening when it burned. How is this romanticism. Look at the detail. Then click on the Slavers from 1840. How gruesome! How is this romanticism? Finally check out Rain, Steam and Speed and its detail. Again, how romanticism?
From the art, music and literature, who and what works of theirs could you use to discuss the meaning of romanticism? How could you argue that romanticism reflects its age and a reaction to the age preceding it? Was romanticism progressive or backward looking? Can you find a relationship between nationalism and romanticism? Would conservatives be concerned about someone professing to be a romantic? The answer is YES but why????
Good Luck, Have Fun!