Spanish Springs High School
  • Welcome to the web page for art classes taught by Ms. Parkhurst!! I look forward to teaching art at Spanish Springs High School again this year.

    This website is still in the early stages of being developed.

    This page is information for students and parents regarding art classes taught at Spanish Springs High School by Ms. Parkhurst.



    Classes Taught by Ms. Parkhurst: 

    1* - Art 1-2

    2* - Art 1-2 

    4* - Art 1-2

    5* - Ceramics 1-2

    6* - Ceramics 1-2

    7* - Foundations of Art

  • Most assignments will be turned in on Microsoft Teams for the 2020-2021 school year.

  • Please pay the art fees for the class in which you/your student are enrolled. Without art fees consumable supplies that are needed for projects cannot be purchased. Class fees must be paid to the main office by cash or check.


    See below for class fees:


    Art 1-2 : $10/semester or $20/year


    Ceramics 1-2 : $20 for the year


    Ceramics 3-4 : $25 for the year


    Ceramics 5-6 : $30 for the year


    Foundations of Art : $10 for the semester (this is a 1 semester class)

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