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- Physical Science Information
- Physical Science Second Semester Weekly Assignments
- BEAKERS & MOLECULES - PS Second Semester PowerPoints, Notes & Videos
- Earth Science Information
- ES 2nd Semester Weekly Assignments
- SUNRISE ON EARTH - ES 2nd Semester PowerPoints, Other Notes & Videos
- Special Video Links
Welcome Students and Families to Mrs. M's Science Pages
2024 - 2025
Chemistry is sometimes called the "central science". Students who can do chemistry have an excellent foundation to understand other sciences. The periodic table is central to chemistry. This year, during chemistry the physical science students will study the periodic table. It will be used as a tool to explain the natural world, both seen and unseen through the elements, chemical reactions, equations and experiments.
Earth Science Students will be studying our place in the universe. We will be looking at the extraordinary place we call Earth, followed by exploring our close planetary neighbors, and finally a much more infinite universe including its birth, progress and modern thought about the future.
Physical Science students will spend much of the year studying basic physics. There are some activities taking you through some of the physics of motion, energy and Newton, to name a few. Later during the year, there will be a basic introduction to the periodic table with activities to help prepare students for their next science course.
Lab Fees
For Physical Science it is $15 and for Earth Science the lab fee is $10 for the whole year. Please take care of this as soon as possible if the lab fee has not yet been paid. The bookkeeper accepts this money.
Textbook Check Out
Textbooks are not routinely given to students. All students can check them out through the library. They are expensive and cannot be easily replaced. If a checked out textbook is not immediately returned or if the book is damaged while in the care of the student, the student may be billed for the book. Please return all checked out textbooks as soon as possible.
Contact Me: dmenicucci@washoeschools.net