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Spanish Springs Web design program winners in the Nevada State SkillsUSA competition.
Left Gold Winners: Seth Q Meeks and Noe Rios-Rodriguez
Middle: Advisor Toni McDonough
Right Silver winners: Joey McPherson and Kai Borsella
What is the projected employment outlook for your career cluster in Nevada?
There are 238,162 small businesses, sole-business owners, and large businesses who need websites created or maintained for them in Nevada.
Twelve Interesting things about the Web Design and Development Signature Program
- Create your own Business Website.
- Receive college credit as well as high school credit.
- Do an internship to get real world experience and references.
- Get a weighted GPA for honor classes.
- Learn Photoshop and Video Editing.
- Own your own business by building websites for others.
- Create Resumes, References, Cover Letters
- Practice interviews in a Simulated Workplace
- Classes learning under a 'Simulated Environment'-This means roles, timesheets, interviews, goals made for profit.
- Have a career when you graduate from high school, whether or not you intend to go to college.
- Web Design Skills easily roll over to Cyber Security Careers
- The average salary for web design and development is $84,000.00 a year.
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The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities. For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page.
For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.El Distrito prohíbe la intimidación, la intimidación cibernética, el acoso, el acoso sexual, la discriminación y / o las represalias en cualquiera de sus programas / actividades educativas, empleo y oportunidades de empleo. Para obtener la declaración completa del Aviso de No Discriminación del Distrito, así como los métodos para abordar preguntas e inquietudes, visite nuestra página de Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility
Para más información visite Civil Rights Compliance Department page.