- High Schools
- Welcome
Welcome to Reno HS Athletics
Athletic Secretary: Tina Rooker
Phone: 775-333-5050 extension 34007
Email: trooker@washoeschools.net
Athletic Director: Michael P. Edwards
Phone: 775-333-5050 x 34014
Email: MPEdwards@washoeschools.net
Athletic Clearance Information
- Athletic Participation steps
- RMA instructions/Aktivate
- http://www.registermyathlete.com (Aktivate)
- Cheer tryout packet 24-25
- Impact test
- Athletic Fees breakdown
- FB calendar 24-25
- summer weights and conditioning sign up
- Physical forms-good for 1 year from the date of exam. physical form
- Sport/Custody acknowledgement form
- Media consent form
Coaches Directory
Baseball -Pete Savage-Petes@savageandson.com
Boy's Basketball - Matt Ochs -MOchs@washoeschools.net
Boy's Golf - Mike Edwards-MPEdwards@washoeschools.net
Cheer-Jordyn Williams -renohighcheer22@gmail.com or Jordyn.Williams@washoeschools.net
Cross Country - Anna.Costello@washoeschools.net or Joe parker-Joeparker273@gmail.com
Diving - Madison Moffett-maddiem551@gmail.com
Football CJ Wintch--CJWintch@washoeschools.net
Girl's Basketball - Julie Rippingham-JHRippingham@washoeschools.net
Girl's Golf-Robyn Johnson-RJohnson@washoeschools.net
Ski Team-Greg Batchelder-GBatch2009@gmail.com
Boys Soccer- Ivan Trujillo-Pacheco trujilloip99@gmail.com
Girls Soccer-Alex Dunn-alexpdunn511@gmail.com
Softball-Brian LaTorre--BALatorre@washoeschools.net
Swimming-Dave Hoover-ddhoover0862@gmail.com
Tennis-Boys- Tim Zagar timzagar87@gmail.com
Tennis-Girls Kristine Wymore-KWymore1@gmail.com
Track and Field - Mike Kelly- NVmikepk@gmail.com boys Jim Parker-James.Parker7@yahoo.com-girls
Volleyball - Kuna Nakagawa-cnaks33@gmail.com Karson Nakagawa-Karsonella@gmail.com
Wrestling - Josh Kivi-JKivi@washoeschools.net