• Parent Booster Club 2024-2025

    AACT’s Parent Booster Club's purpose is to support academic and career tech student organizations and clubs. Joining will put parents in the know for all AACT activities and events sponsored by our volunteer parent boosters. The minimum cost to join is only $25/year per family, but please donate more via the form if you are able and willing. All donations up to $600 will get an additional tax deduction this year as well!

    Also, during the once a month meetings (1st Wednesday of every month at 4:30PM in the Compass on campus), volunteers attend to discuss their ideas and solutions with school staff, and to learn more about AACT’s community and activities. We would really love to see you there and/or to have your support with the many opportunities for parents! ALL parents, students, teachers and staff are welcome to attend meetings.

    Why join or support Boosters???

    Over the past couple of years, AACT Boosters supported some of these areas to help our students:

    • Awarded 13 well-deserving seniors with $1,000 scholarships each,
    • Helped purchase 10 jackets for FCCLA competition,
    • Helped purchase 10 graphing calculators to support ACT Testing,
    • Performed ~300 mock job interview/feedback sessions for our Junior students,
    • Funded Trailblazer of the week,
    • In addition, Boosters helped staff and provide financial support for Teacher Appreciation, dance chaperons, graduation, Senior Capstone interviews, and much more!

    Drop us a note to offer ideas/suggestions via the Booster Club mailbox located right by the front office (next to the Boosters Board). ALSO, any Membership form/payments can be dropped off there as well!

    NOTE: Renewal to Boosters is every year - so to remain an awesome supporter of AACT Parent Boosters supporting our students, please follow the instructions in the previous email.

    Here is a note from our 2025 President, Alice Escalante:
    Welcome parents of our amazing students to the 2024-25 school year! We are so excited to be serving as Boosters to our Trailblazers! We exist to serve our students, teachers, and staff at AACT. We would love for you to join us! 
    President: Alice Ascalante
    Vice President: Julie Sandusky
    Secretary: Sara Cordoza
    Treasurer: Lydia Taylor
    Fundraising/events: April West-Kieckhefer