• reminders

    We are continuing with our process for student pick up and drop off to ensure efficiency and safety on and around our campus. When everyone cooperates, we make pick-up and drop-off easier, quicker, and safer for all.

    Billinghurst Middle School Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures: 

    • A drop-off lane is available on Avenida De Landa & Chesterfield. No illegal U-turns are allowed on Avenida De Landa or surrounding streets.
    • When entering the drop-off area, drivers should pull forward until they reach the vehicle in front of them, or the end of the zone.
    • There is no parking, idling or waiting in the Drop Zones. Please have your student exit the car quickly and safely.
    • Under no circumstances should you pull into the blue curbside area directly in front of the office. This area is for school buses and emergency vehicles only. 
    • You may use the lower lane parallel to the blue zone for morning drop off only – no afternoon pickup.
    • Please be mindful of crosswalks and keep all crosswalks clear, so students can safely cross the streets.