• Billinghurst Orchestras

    Caryn Neidhold, director


    Beginning*Intermediate*Advanced*Golden Strings

  • Welcome to the Billinghurst Orchestra program.  This is going to be a wonderful year and we are all happy you chose to join us. 


    ·       Intermediate, Advanced and Golden Strings should bring their instruments starting Thursday, August 15th for tuning and labeling.  Beginning students must have instruments arranged by Friday, August 23rd.  This includes handing in the paperwork for a school instrument.  Students will receive a grade for having their instruments arranged on time.  Please make sure ALL instruments have the student’s name somewhere on the case.  Mrs. Neidhold will label instruments with yellow label tape for easy identification. 

    ·       Please make sure Mrs. Neidhold has measured your student for the correct size instrument before renting or purchasing. 

    ·       Beginning students should wait until after class demonstrations to decide which instrument they want to learn. 

    ·       You may rent an instrument from any of the local music stores. Rent-to-Own

    programs are wonderful ways to start on a fractional instrument and eventually own a full-size instrument.  Stores do not charge to change sizes as your child grows.

    ·       Purchase or rent MENC certified instruments only.  Mrs. Neidhold will

    NOT take class time (or after school time) to fix and adjust non-MENC certified


    ·       DO NOT purchase an instrument from Ebay.  Most instruments on Ebay need considerable set-up and adjustment.  I purchased an instrument for $150 and had to spend an additional $200 to make it playable. Also, avoid buying an instrument from pawn shops, discount stores, and department stores since they usually don’t carry MENC certified instrument. Please contact Mrs. Neidhold for a list of acceptable online companies.  Please note: Color instruments are often factory rejects. 

    ·       A limited number of school instruments are available for check out for a fee of $60 for the school year.  Students must fill out a WCSD rental form and turn in payment before an instrument will be assigned to them. 

    ·       Bass students do not need to rent from a local store.  Billinghurst should

    have enough instruments for all bass players.  Intermediate & Advanced students will likely be able to have a 2nd instrument at home.  Parents will need to fill out a WCSD Maintenance Agreement and pay the fee. 

    ·       The Billinghurst Orchestra Handbook will be passed out to each student in class.  Please take the time to read the handbook with your child and return the forms at the back of the handbook.  Students will receive grades for returning forms throughout the school year. 


    I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of the students.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns preferably by e-mail cneidhold@washoeschools.net.     You may also leave a message for me at school, 746-5870.      


    Caryn Neidhold, Director  

    Billinghurst Orchestras

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