- Middle Schools
- Parents
Parents! You can now report absences online through infinite campus. Please click on this link for direction on how to access this information through the IC app or on your computer.
If you prefer to call and speak to someone or leave a message after hours you can still do so at 775-689-2556
- Uniform Policy - English
- Las reglamento del uniforme De Pine Middle School (Uniform Policy - Spanish)
- Student Travel Release Form
- Title 1 Parent Rights
- Parents Right to Know / Derechos De Conocimiento De Padres
Safe Talk for TeensSafe Talk For Teens is a Nonprofit Resource Center established to provide Early Intervention & Prevention services for teenagers. We offer teens & parents a safe place to talk while maintaining Confidentiality. We offer FREE assistance, guidance, and early intervention/prevention services. We will refer, when necessary, to counseling services and/or programming. Click here for more information Safetalk for Teens or go to their website http://safetalkforteens.org/Helping WCSD Educators and Families of Children with Disabilities Become Knowledgeable, Prepared, and Empowered Partners in the IEP Process