- High Schools
- 25-26 Course Catalog
- J4NG- Jobs for Nevada's Graduates
Spanish Springs HS
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JAG’s multi-year model is a career exploration and preparation program that provides a hands-on approach in exploring personal strengths and challenges as well as job attainment skills and workplace “survival” skills. J4NG courses may only be offered at a school where JAG programming is provided.
J4NG 9th
J4NG ELECTIVE G09 Course # 8451-8452
Full year = 1 creditThis course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum and incorporates project-based learning, trauma-informed care, and employer engagement in this competency-based course. JAG’s eight-seven competencies focus on preparing students for the workforce, post-secondary, and/or military service in a learner-centered class. Students have multiple opportunities to engage in community, regional, and state activities to complete authentic projects, as well as service-learning activities. This full-year class provides a resiliency environment that strives to ensure youth achieve their fullest potential. The first-year course focuses on personal development, career exploration and an introduction to the world of work.
J4NG 10th
J4NG ELECTIVE G10 Course #8424-8425
Full year = 1 creditThis course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum and incorporates project-based learning, trauma-informed care, and employer engagement in this competency-based course. JAG’s eighty-seven competencies focus on preparing students for the workforce, post-secondary, and/or military service in a learner-centered class. Students have multiple opportunities to engage in community, regional, and state activities to complete authentic projects, as well as service-learning activities. This full-year class provides a resiliency environment that strives to ensure youth achieve their fullest potential. The second-year course focuses on continuing personal development, expanding career exploration and greater employer engagement.
J4NG 11th
J4NG ELECTIVE G11 Course #8426-8427
Full year = 1 credit
This course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum and incorporates project-based learning, trauma-informed care, and employer engagement in this competency-based course. JAG’s eighty-seven competencies focus on preparing students for the workforce, post-secondary, and/or military service in a learner-centered class. Students have multiple opportunities to engage in community, regional, and state activities to complete authentic projects, as well as service-learning activities. This full-year class provides a resiliency environment that strives to ensure youth achieve their fullest potential. The third-year course focuses more keenly on career exploration and selection, college readiness, and learning work-readiness skills.
J4NG ELECTIVE G12 Course #8417-8418
Full year = 1 credit
This course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum and incorporates project-based learning, trauma-informed care, and employer engagement in this competency-based course. JAG’s eighty-seven competencies focus on preparing students for the workforce, post-secondary, and/or military service in a learner-centered class. Students have multiple opportunities to engage in community, regional, and state activities to complete authentic projects, as well as service-learning activities. This full-year class provides a resiliency environment that strives to ensure youth achieve their fullest potential. The fourth-year course focuses continues career exploration and selection, college applications, mastery of the thirty-seven work-readiness core competencies, and learning skills for adulthood and independence.