- High Schools
- 25-26 Course Catalog
- Physical Education
Spanish Springs HS
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PE Options- 9th
Athletic Conditioning/Weight Training- must participate in a school sanctioned sport
Athletic Conditioning/Weight Training Course #5215-5216
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: Student must participate in school sanctioned sport and obtain instructor approval
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course is designed for those competitive athletes with previous weight training experience. This class will focus specifically on the physical and psychological needs of the competitive athlete in the areas of weight training, flexibility, plyometrics, and performance enhancement skills (i.e., relaxation, visual imagery, and goal setting). Students, with the help of the instructor, will develop and follow an individualized sport specific strength-training program.
Fitness/Weight Training
Fitness/Weight Training Course #5213-5214
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Fee: $5.00 per semester: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
Prerequisite: 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
This course is designed to condition both male and female interscholastic athletes who have a desire to condition every day through weight training, aerobics, cardiovascular workouts, and a variety of activities that will enhance each individual's fitness level and also meet personal and team training goals. This course includes warm-up, techniques of strength training, Cross fit, power lifting, running short and long distances, different types of cardiovascular training and core strengthening. Students will be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of training principles upon completion of this class. The course is designed to increase the student's strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall muscular toning.
Power Walking Course #5141-5142
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
Fee: None.
This course is designed to introduce the student to walking as a lifetime aerobic activity. Walking will be done throughout the semester with appropriate dress required for both hot and cold temperatures. Students are responsible for walking at a sufficient pace, staying with the class and following school rules/community laws at all times. Note: A variety of walking courses are used throughout the semester, they range from 2 miles to 4.5 miles in a class period. Students and parents will also be required to sign and return a "class rules and liability form" the first week of school.
PE - 9th
PE – 9th Course #5101-5102
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 9th grade students ONLY
Fee: None. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
Students are introduced to a variety of sports in three to five-week units. These sports are divided into three categories: lifetime, team, and individual. Activities may include aerobics, badminton, basketball, flag football, jogging, pickle ball, soccer, softball, tennis, track, volleyball, and weight training. Emphasis is on the teaching of rules, skills, and strategies in the instructional sports as well as the recreational aspects of team sports. There are daily warm-up activities, which include cardiovascular runs and calisthenics. Students are expected to dress out in the required PE uniform daily.
PE Options- 10th, 11th, 12th
Athletic Conditioning/Weight Training- must participate in a school sanctioned sport
Athletic Conditioning/Weight Training Course #5215-5216
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: Student must participate in school sanctioned sport and obtain instructor approval
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course is designed for those competitive athletes with previous weight training experience. This class will focus specifically on the physical and psychological needs of the competitive athlete in the areas of weight training, flexibility, plyometrics, and performance enhancement skills (i.e., relaxation, visual imagery, and goal setting). Students, with the help of the instructor, will develop and follow an individualized sport specific strength-training program.
Basketball Conditioning
Basketball Conditioning Course #5203-5204
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course is designed for students who want to play the game of basketball to the best of their ability. The class will include in-depth instruction on the fundamental aspects of the game (shooting, dribbling, passing, defense, etc.). It is also designed to teach various team concepts, such as person-to-person defense, zone defense, offensive strategies, historical basketball facts and rules that govern the game.
Basketball Conditioning- Advanced
Basketball Conditioning- Advanced Course # 5205-5206
1 semester= 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor. At least one year of competitive basketball experience.
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course is designed to prepare the competitive basketball player for the competitive season. Course content will include: Daily strength, conditioning and explosive movement training, varsity level basketball-specific skill development, agility work, and team play combination of activities designed to prepare the athlete both physically and mentally. The athlete should have a strong base and background in basketball and a good understanding of basketball fundamentals.
Fitness/Weight Training
Fitness/Weight Training Course #5213-5214
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Fee: $5.00 per semester: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
This course is designed to condition both male and female interscholastic athletes who have a desire to condition every day through weight training, aerobics, cardiovascular workouts, and a variety of activities that will enhance each individual's fitness level and also meet personal and team training goals. This course includes warm-up, techniques of strength training, Cross fit, power lifting, running short and long distances, different types of cardiovascular training and core strengthening. Students will be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of training principles upon completion of this class. The course is designed to increase the student's strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall muscular toning.
Football Conditioning/Fundamentals
Football Conditioning/Fundamentals Course #5223-5224
Credit: ½ credit per semester
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
Prerequisite: Approval of Instructor. A minimum of one year playing experience in the football program. This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll. Seniors only enrolled in 1st semester of class. Sophomores enrolled with Coach approval ONLY and will not have an off campus period. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class.
This course is designed to be both mentally and physically challenging. It offers both in and out of season conditioning programs that include weight training and conditioning movement work. Students take part in an advanced weight training and conditioning program to improve strength, agility, speed, explosiveness, balance, coordination, flexibility, and injury prevention. The head football coach will make the final roster for who will be enrolled if more than 48 students qualify.
PE 10-11-12
PE 10-11-12 Course #5109-5110
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th or 12th grade
Fee: None. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course is designed for students in grades 10-12 in which students are introduced to a variety of sports in three to five-week units. These sports are divided into three categories: lifetime, team, and individual. Activities may include aerobics, badminton, basketball, flag football, jogging, pickle ball, soccer, softball, tennis, track, volleyball, and weight training. Emphasis is on the teaching of rules, skills, and strategies in the instructional sports as well as the recreational aspects of team sports. There are daily warm-up activities, which include cardiovascular runs and calisthenics. Students are expected to dress out in the required PE uniform daily.
Power Walking Course #5141-5142
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
Fee: None.
This course is designed to introduce the student to walking as a lifetime aerobic activity. Walking will be done throughout the semester with appropriate dress required for both hot and cold temperatures. Students are responsible for walking at a sufficient pace, staying with the class and following school rules/community laws at all times. Note: A variety of walking courses are used throughout the semester, they range from 2 miles to 4.5 miles in a class period. Students and parents will also be required to sign and return a "class rules and liability form" the first week of school.
Volleyball Course #5191-5192
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This course will include the basic skills of volleyball: passing, setting, serving, hitting, and rules of the game. Emphasis will be on team and skill-building techniques.
Yoga Course #5252-5255
1 semester = 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: 10th, 11th and 12th grade. Instructor approval is required
Fee: $5.00 per semester. As needed: PE uniform $8 for shirt.
This is an introduction to Yoga and the Pilates dynamic system of muscle conditioning. The course will provide a rejuvenating workout for your brain as well as for your body. The class will focus on fundamental practices of awareness, gaining flexibility, relaxation and conscious breathing which include the practice of postures, breath control, relaxation, light meditation, self-discipline and training of the mind body and concentration. Students will develop body awareness, increase vitality and peace of mind. Students will learn the names of Yoga asanas and postures. Students will be required to name postures and write their own workout. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own yoga mats. Students are responsible for cleaning the yoga mat.