- High Schools
- 25-26 Course Catalog
- Zero Period Options
Spanish Springs HS
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Zero period courses are offered to Junior/Senior students ONLY. Classes meet at 7:00am, five days a week and transportation is not provided. Students who miss and/or are tardy to 0* on a regular basis will be removed and put back into classes during the traditional school day.
Zero Period Biology Advanced Placement (AP) Course # 3015-3016
Full year = 1 credit
Fee: $20.00 lab fee + AP fee $98.00
See AP Biology course description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll.
All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class.
This class meets during zero period, (starting at 7:00 am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Edgenuity Credit Recovery Course # 7015-7016
1/2 credit (option for additional credits)
Prerequisite: Failure of a course
See Edgenuity credit recovery course description. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class. See counselor for course number.
This class meets during zero period, (starting at 7:00 am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period English 7-8 Course # 1013-1014
Full year = 1 credit
Prerequisite: Senior Standing
See English 7-8 course description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll
All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Government Course # 4015
Semester = 0.5 Government credit
Prerequisite: Senior standing
See Government description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll
All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Economics Course # 4016
Semester = 0.5 Economics credit
Prerequisite: Senior standing
See Government description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll
All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Econ 101 (Dual credit) Course # 4014
Semester = 0.5 Economics credit
Fee: $75 TMCC fee and textbook fee
Prerequisite: TMCC registration requirements
See ECON 101 course description from TMCC. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class.
This class meets during zero period, (starting at 7:00 am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Human Anatomy Course # 3013-3014
Full year = 1 credit
Fee: $25 lab fee
See Human Anatomy course description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll
All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry Course # 2013-2014
Full year = 1 math credit (Honors)
See Pre-calculus with Trigonometry course description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Prob/Stats Course # 2017-2018
Full year = 1 math credit (Honors)
See Pre-calculus with Trigonometry course description. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period PSC 101 (Dual credit) Course # 4013
Semester = 0.5 Government credit
Fee: $75 TMCC fee and textbook fee
Prerequisite: TMCC registration requirements
See PSC 101 course description from TMCC. Enrollment may be limited. Late registrants may not be able to enroll. All zero period students must have good attendance and behavior in order to have the privilege of this class.
This class meets during zero period, (starting at 7:00 am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.
Zero Period Student Success/Transition Support Course # 7017-7018
1/2 elective credit per semester
Pre-Requisite: IEP placement
The primary focus of this class is to assist students in completing assignments for their academic classes and improving study and test taking skills. See counselor for course number
This class meets during zero period (starting at 7:00am) five days a week and students are responsible for their own transportation to school.