- High Schools
- 25-26 Course Catalog
- Special Education
Spanish Springs HS
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Two- year Algebra 1
Two-Year Algebra 1 Course #7824-7825
Two-Full Years = 2 credits Course #7826-7827
Prerequisite: IEP placement. Successful completion of all semesters of Math 7 and Math 8 or Math 7/8 or Bridge to Algebra.
This is a two-year course designed to teach the fundamentals of elementary algebra. This course lays the foundation of knowledge and skills to meet the Nevada Academic Content Standards in Mathematics (NVACS) for high school students. A strong foundation in algebra is needed for subsequent mathematics courses. The NVACS studied include all five Domains: Relationships between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations, Linear and Exponential Relationships, Descriptive Statistics, Expressions and Equations and Quadratic Functions and Modeling. Throughout the year, students will be expected to develop the ability to reason and communicate mathematically, apply learned concepts to new problem-solving situations and exhibit increased confidence in their ability to solve mathematical problems. -
Foundations in Geometry 1-2
Foundations in Geometry Course #7771-7772
Full Year = 1 math credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement and Successful completion of all semesters of Algebra 1 (or all semesters of the 2-year course).
This is a one-year course that will cover the following topics through emphasis on basic geometric proofs, axioms, postulates and theorems, plane geometric figures, right triangles with trigonometry, constructions, congruence and similarity, circles, coordinate and transformational geometry, inductive and deductive reasoning, three-dimensional geometry, and probability. Emphasis is on the development of deductive reasoning skills. Students will also review algebraic techniques, work on realistic problems, and use technology when possible.
Foundations in Algebra 2
Foundations in Algebra 2 Course #7779-7780
Full Year = 1 math credit
Prerequisite: IEP placement and successful completion of all semesters of Algebra 1 and Geometry/Formal Geometry.
This is a one-year course, which strengthens and expands on the techniques and concepts learned in Algebra 1. This course will reinforce the student’s problem solving and algebraic skills in preparation for advanced mathematics courses. The major topics of study are relations and functions, domain and range of parent functions systems of nonlinear equations, polynomials and polynomial functions, complex numbers, quadratic equations, rational and radical functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, statistics, and matrices. Throughout the year, students will continue to develop the ability to reason and communicate mathematically, apply learned concepts to new problem-solving situations, and exhibit increased confidence in their ability to solve mathematical problems.
Transition Math
Transitions Math Course #7765-7766
One Year = 1.0 math credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement
This course is for the third and/or fourth year high school student receiving special education services and may be repeated once for credit (total 2 credits). This course is designed to cover a wide number of mathematical topics/concepts over a two-year period. In the even-numbered years (e.g. 2016-17, 2018-19, etc.) the curriculum will focus on consumer applications, including earning money, buying food, shopping, household budgeting, car maintenance/repair costs, home improvement, travel, personal budgeting, banking and investing, paying taxes, and career preparation. In the odd-numbered years (e.g. 2017-18, 2019-20, etc.) the curriculum will focus on the world of work, including skills students need on the job such as wages, benefits, kinds of businesses, human resource departments, business travel, corporate banking, operating expenses, business management, casualty insurance, government regulations, risks for business owners, sales and marketing, and mail-order businesses.
Foundations in English 1-2
Foundations in English 1-2 Course #7751-7752
Full Year = 1 credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement
This course is designed for Special Education students who have the skills to complete English 1-2, but need to be in a smaller class environment. This one-year course using the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) will provide the fundamentals of communication skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening-- necessary for college and career readiness in a twenty-first century, globally competitive society. Through close reading of a variety of high-quality contemporary works, classical literature, and literary nonfiction, students will continue to develop the reading comprehension skills and reading strategies required to be highly literate individuals. Students will engage in both short and long-term writing assignments in three main genres--argument, informative/explanatory, and narrative--as well as using writing as a way to comprehend text. Language instruction will focus on the balance between rules and manipulating language for the purpose of craft. Research and technology will be embedded throughout the course. The course will be taught using a variety of teaching techniques from direct instruction to small group work with a focus on meaningful student discussion. This course will be taught by a Special Education teacher who is HQ in English
Foundations in English 3-4
Foundations in English 3-4 Course #7755-7756
Full Year = 1 credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement
This course is designed for Special Education students who have the skills to complete English 3-4, but need to be in a smaller class environment. This one-year course using the Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) will continue to develop the fundamentals of communication skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening-- necessary for college and career readiness in a twenty-first century, globally competitive society. Through close reading of a variety of grade-appropriate, high-quality contemporary works, classical literature, and literary nonfiction, students will continue to develop the reading comprehension skills and reading strategies required to be highly literate individuals. Students will engage in both short and long-term writing assignments in three main genres--argument, informative/explanatory, and narrative--as well as using writing as a way to comprehend text. Language instruction will focus on the balance between rules and manipulating language for the purpose of craft as well as building an extensive vocabulary. Research and technology will be embedded throughout the course. The course will be taught using a variety of teaching techniques from direct instruction to small group work with a focus on meaningful student discussion. This course will be taught by a Special Education teacher who is HQ in English.
Foundations in English 5-6
Foundations in English 5-6 Course #7729-7730
Full Year = 1 credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement
This course is designed for Special Education students who have the skills to complete English 1-2, but need to be in a smaller class environment. This one-year course will provide the fundamentals of communication skills – reading, writing, speaking and listening-- necessary for college and career readiness in a twenty-first century, globally competitive society. Through close reading of a variety of high-quality contemporary works, classical literature, and literary nonfiction, students will continue to develop the reading comprehension skills and reading strategies required to be highly literate individuals. Students will engage in both short and long-term writing assignments in three main genres--argument, informative/explanatory, and narrative--as well as using writing as a way to comprehend text. Language instruction will focus on the balance between rules and manipulating language for the purpose of craft. Research and technology will be embedded throughout the course. The course will be taught using a variety of teaching techniques from direct instruction to small group work with a focus on meaningful student discussion. This course will be taught by a Special Education teacher who is HQ in English.
Transition English
Transition English Course #7745-7746
One Year = 1.0 math credit
Prerequisite: IEP Placement
This course is for the third and fourth year high school student receiving special education services and may be repeated once for credit (total 2 credits). A fifth year special education student may be enrolled in Transition English for a third year for credit (total 3 credits). This course is designed to improve skills taught in previous grades plus life skills and job readiness. First semester content includes self-inventories, identifying strengths and aptitudes, knowing rights and responsibilities, self-advocacy, and transition planning. Second semester content includes how to look for and get a job, resume and cover letter writing, and the interview process. Year long goals include use of technology, work place reading and writing skills, understanding work place norms, communication skills, life skills and managing money. Community based job training experience is open to those who meet job readiness criteria.
Student Success/Transition Support (SSTS)
Student Success/Transition Support (SSTS) Course #7845-7846
1/2 credit per semester
Prerequisite: IEP placement
The primary focus of this class is to assist students in completing assignments for their academic classes and improving study and test taking skills. In addition to support for the regular education course(s), the following areas will be covered as appropriate: study skills; organizational skills; maintenance of classroom notebooks, backpacks, and use of a daily planner. Students will be expected to bring to class all appropriate regular education course material (e.g. textbook, assignment sheets); in-progress assignments; progress reports; returned homework, class work, and tests; etc. Students will receive tutoring/assistance for regular academic classes while learning basic study skill strategies. This course may be required based on the decision of a student's IEP team.
NOTE: This class may be offered Zero period based upon enrollment numbers for JUNIOR/SENIOR students only. The course numbers for students interested in Zero period are 7017-7018.