
    Class Grade

    Art is a studio class where students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner to foster an effective learning environment as well as to acquire skills and knowledge through active participation in classroom activities. Please understand that class grade comes from both process (work ethic: staying on task and following instructions & rules) and product (assignments & exams). Student behavior will greatly affect their learning and class grade.

    ART 1-2 (1credit/year) = Assignments(50%) + Participation(35%) + Final exam(15%)
    DRAWING 1~4/5-6(H) (1credit/year) = Assignments(50%) + Participation(35%) + Final exam(15%)
    ART 5-6/7-8 (H) (1credit/year) = Assignments (In-class & Homework)(50%) + Participation &Progress (15%) + Final exam(15%)
    AP ART (1credit/year) = Assignments (In-class work, Participation, Progress, Homework) (85%) + Final exam (15%)
    PEER TUTOR = Daily Participation/Responsibilities (85%) + + Final exam (15%)
    LAB ASST. = Daily Participation/Responsibilities (100%)

    • Assignment (Class work & Homework)
    - Assignments are graded based on requirements/rubrics.
    - In general, assignment grade is affected by originality/creativity, craftsmanship, quality and effort.
    A student may not get full points for only following directions; This may result in a C or B, as mastery is needed for receiving an A.
    - If extra time needed, assignments must be turned in within two weeks in order to receive full credit, 
    - Assignments may be redone for a better grade, due the following week.
    - Any late work will receive 60% credit.
    - Some assignments (class work / online work) will not be able to be made up at home and/or after deadline due to the nature of lesson/content, which include but not limited to: pre-/post-test, exam, one-day exercise, reference, or any time-sensitive assignments. The assignment will STAY as "Missing", an automatic ZERO.
    - Missing/Incomplete assignments - See the Make-Up Policy

    * Digital Assignments - posted in Canvas
    - Digital assignments must be turned in by due date/time to receive full credit.
    - A late work (two weeks after due) will receive 60% credit, but a time-sensitive work will receive 0% credit when it's late.
    - When a late-work is turned in, the student must notify Ms. Yeom via email or in person to be graded.
    - Any issues with assignments in Canvas should be communicated to Ms. Yeom as early as possible, not at the last minute or on the due date.
    - A photo of assignment to turn in digitally should be legible in a jpeg or a pdf format.

    Participation (Studio Work Ethic - weekly points) - See the Participation for details
    - Receiving full points (5pts per day): Staying on task most of the time, following instructions & rules, being productive, and being responsible
    - Unexcused tardy and/or misbehavior will affect participation points.
    - Participation grade will be reflected in the citizenship grade.
    Final Exam: Written exam & artwork. * All class notes/worksheets will be study guide for exams.

    Extra credit: Parent Night (Fall), Scholastic Art Competition (December), and Fine Arts Night (Spring)
    - There will be NO more extra credit work, if a student had/has any late/missing assignments or discipline issues during the semester.

    Any late work and/or grade-updates are due two weeks before the end of each semester.