Classroom Expectations
Art is a studio class where students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner to acquire skills and knowledge through active engagement and productive participation in classroom learning.
As student behavior greatly affects their learning, class grade, and learning environment, a student grade comes from BOTH process (work ethic following instructions & rules) and product (assignments & exams).
In order for our classroom to be a comfortable, safe and motivated place for effective student-centered learning, students are expected to follow the rules and procedures as follows:
1. Be on time
2. Turn off personal electronic device(s) before entering
3. Keep the device(s) in your backpack in the front of the room during the entire class.
4. Do not eat food/drinks/gum in the classroom
5. Come prepared for class
6. Stay in your assigned seat until the end of class.
7. Use inside voice at all times
8. Be respectful to others and their learning time
9. Use supplies/facilities appropriately
10. Be responsible for your actions and learning.
11. Clean your area and tools after each use.
12. Use restroom passes wisely - 5 tickets per semester
* Any health concerns must be communicated with a parent's or clinic's note.
* No sign-out during the first and the last 10 minutes of class (SSHS Policy) and during instruction.
Consequences will be different depending on the type/level of misbehavior.
Step 1: Verbal warning, Lower participation points, & IC Behavior Minor
Step 2: Seating change and/or student conference, Lower participation points, IC Behavior Minor, & Parent contact
Step 3: All above without verbal warnings, Behavior Referral to SRO, Parent contact
* Any damage to someone's artwork/property will result in a type of penalty or consequence.
* Ms. Yeom is not responsible for any loss or damage.