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Important Information
- Attention 8th grade parents: Scholarship opportunity! Read here to learn about the Optimist Club of Reno Scholarship opportunity for 8th Graders: Reno Scholarships | Optimist Club Of Ren
- We are excited to announce our upcoming annual Shaw Middle School Career Day on Tuesday, March 11 from 7:30-9:30 am. We are once again looking for volunteers to come and speak to our students about their careers. Do you have a career that you would like to talk about with our students? If you are interested in participating, please reach out to the school counselors so we can send you more information and details about the event. Thanks for your time! Email: sreddig@washoeschools.net or Candyce.cardona@washoeschools.net or call 775-425-7777.
- Cell Phone Policy: As you have heard in multiple communications from the district, the WCSD cell phone policy has been updated. In order for students to focus on learning throughout the day, cell phones at all schools must be away for the day. Shaw has always been an “Away for the Day” school, but we have updated our policy and expectations. One key change is that students are required to put their cell phone in a backpack as cell phones may not be kept in a pocket or on a student’s body during the school day. At Shaw, students may continue to use their cell phones during their lunchtime, but we may need to reconsider this privilege if this prevents students from truly keeping their focus off cell phones/social media etc. during the learning parts of the day. We will continue to monitor and communicate regarding this lunchtime privilege. The attached Administrative Regulation 5810 outlines the increased disciplinary outcomes for students who violate this policy as well as actions taken when students violate the policy. In addition, information about this districtwide policy can be found here: Phone Away and Learn Today / Phone Away and Learn Today. Students will be taught the policy expectations tomorrow and throughout this week.
- Homework Club: Students may come to our Math-focused homework club in Room 320 or all-other-content area homework club in the library. Students may work on homework and if they need help, there is a certified teacher available. The hours are 2:00 - 3:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students must remain in the session for the full time unless the student shows us a text or call from you indicating that the student may leave early.
Upcoming Events
- Monday 2/10–Friday 2/14: Coyote Kindness Week: Choose Kindness!
- Monday 2/10: 7th grade Health Screenings
- Monday 2/10: Native American Art Program 1:00 – 3:00 (Invitation only)
- Monday 2/10: Robotics Club 2:15 – 3:15 room 211
- Monday 2/10: VBall vs SRMS: 7th @ SRMS & 8th @ Shaw
- Tuesday 2/11: Find Your Roar Kindness Concert with Rizz 1-2
- Tuesday 2/11: Color Guard Club 2-3
- Tuesday 2/11: Herpetology Club 2-3 room 217
- Tuesday 2/11: Chess Club 6th grade lunch in room 209
- Tuesday 2/11: Animation Club 2-3 in room 211
- Tuesday 2/11: DnD Club. 7/8 lunch in room 200
- Wednesday 2/12: Wa Pa Shon Club during both lunches
- Wednesday 2/12: 8th Choir Zone Concert @ SSHS 5:30
- Thursday 2/13: Book Club during Advisory
- Thursday 2/13: Brave Space Club. 7/8 lunch in room 321
- Thursday 2/13: FCS Club 2-3
- Thursday 2/13: VBall vs Mendive: 7th @ Mendive & 8th @ Shaw
- Thursday 2/13: 8th Orchestra Zone Concert @ SSHS 6:00
- Friday 2/14: Shaw Snack Shack during both lunches
- Monday 2/17: Presidents Day Holiday. NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday 2/18: Color Guard Club 2-3
- Tuesday 2/18: Herpetology Club 2-3 room 217
- Tuesday 2/18: Chess Club 6th grade lunch in room 209
- Tuesday 2/18: Animation Club 2-3 in room 211
- Tuesday 2/18: DnD Club. 7/8 lunch in room 200
- Thursday 2/20: Book Club during Advisory
- Thursday 2/20: Brave Space Club. 7/8 lunch in room 321
- Thursday 2/20: FCS Club 2-3
- Monday 2/24: Native American Art Program 1:00 – 3:00 (Invitation only)
- Monday 2/24: Robotics Club 2:15 – 3:15 room 211
- Tuesday 2/25: Color Guard Club 2-3
- Tuesday 2/25: Herpetology Club 2-3 room 217
- Tuesday 2/25: Chess Club 6th grade lunch in room 209
- Tuesday 2/25: Animation Club 2-3 in room 211
- Tuesday 2/25: DnD Club. 7/8 lunch in room 200
- Wednesday 2/26: Wa Pa Shon Club during both lunches
- Thursday 2/27: Book Club during Advisory
- Thursday 2/27: Brave Space Club. 7/8 lunch in room 321
- Thursday 2/27: FCS Club 2-3
- Friday 2/28: Shaw Snack Shack during both lunches
- Sunday 3/2: 8th grade SBAC Reward Field Trip to the Tahoe Knight Monsters Hockey Game (those who earned reward)
- Monday 3/3: Native American Art Program 1:00 – 3:00 (Invitation only)
- Monday 3/3: Robotics Club 2:15 – 3:15 room 211
- Tuesday 3/4: Color Guard Club 2-3
- Tuesday 3/4: Herpetology Club 2-3 room 217
- Tuesday 3/4: Chess Club 6th grade lunch in room 209
- Tuesday 3/4: Animation Club 2-3 in room 211
- Tuesday 3/4: DnD Club. 7/8 lunch in room 200
- Tuesday 3/4: Wrestling vs. Mendive @ Shaw 3-5
- Thursday 3/6: Book Club during Advisory
- Thursday 3/6: Brave Space Club. 7/8 lunch in room 321
- Thursday 3/6: FCS Club 2-3
- Thursday 3/6: 6th Vball vs Swope @ Swope
- Thursday 3/6: Wrestling vs. Swope @ Shaw
- Monday 3/10: Native American Art Program 1:00 – 3:00 (Invitation only)
- Monday 3/10: Robotics Club 2:15 – 3:15 room 211
- Tuesday 3/11: Shaw Career Day 8-11
- Tuesday 3/11: Color Guard Club 2-3
- Tuesday 3/11: Herpetology Club 2-3 room 217
- Tuesday 3/11: Chess Club 6th grade lunch in room 209
- Tuesday 3/11: Animation Club 2-3 in room 211
- Tuesday 3/11: DnD Club. 7/8 lunch in room 200
- Tuesday 3/11: 6th Vball vs Herz @Shaw 3-5
- Tuesday 3/11: Wrestling vs Herz @ Herz
- Wednesday 3/12: Wa Pa Shon Club during both lunches
- Thursday 3/13: Book Club during Advisory
- Thursday 3/13: Brave Space Club. 7/8 lunch in room 321
- Thursday 3/13: FCS Club 2-3
- Thursday 3/13: 6th Vball vs Depoali @ Shaw
- Thursday 3/13: Wrestling vs DePoali @ Depoali
- Friday 3/14; Shaw Snack Shack during both lunches
- Monday 3/17 – Friday 3/28: Spring Break NO SCHOOL
- Monday 3/31: Students return to school
2024 -2025 Yearbook!
Pre order your students yearbook using the website below and the school code.
Order Here!
School Code: 12523725
All orders are through the Lifetouch Website. No in person pre-ordering.
Our counselors are here for you!
- Stephanie Reddig 6th Grade Team 1 and 7th Grade sreddig@washoeschools.net
- Candyce Cardona 6th Grade Team 2 and 8th Grade Candyce.cardona@washoeschools.net
Our Mission
The Yvonne Shaw Middle School Community is built on a foundation of respectful relationships and inclusivity, promoting accountability and perseverance in pursuit of academic and personal goals. We are passionate about holding students to the highest expectations for academic, behavioral, and social-emotional goals.
Contact Us
Please call the Office & listen for options
Office: 775-425-7777
Fax: 775-425-7779
Email: Shaw Middle School
WCSD Parent Line: 775-334-8373
Address: 600 Eagle Canyon Drive Sparks, NV 89441
From the District...
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web-Accessibility
The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities. For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page. For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.
WCSD Parent Student Handbook
Access the District's Parent Student Handbook (English) (Spanish).