• Welcome to 8th Grade Science with Mr. Lee! I am excited for a year of Science exploration with you! I have a great love of science and engineering and hope to instill that same love for it in you. While learning a new science can be challenging and a bit nerve-racking sometimes, it is always my goal to create and maintain a safe and welcoming classroom environment in which all students and teachers feel respected and encouraged to taking risks. I will be asking a lot from you this year. My most important requirements are that you try your best at everything you do and support one another in our learning community. We will do group work, games, projects, experiments, and other fun stuff. My expectation is that you participate and have a positive outlook on your learning.

    Have Fun                         Study Hard                    Make Good Choices

    Below you will see the activities that were done on any specific day. I will try my best to update this daily.





    Click here to download the Syllabus





          Click here for Warm-ups 




    Click here for the list of Assignments