- Middle Schools
- Science with Mr. Lee
- Warm-ups

All Warm-ups must be completed if the student wants Warm-up Points, even if they are absent. Any Warm-up missing ANY information will NOT receive points for that day. Warm-ups are an all-or-nothing assignment. All Warm-ups are completed together during class, so there isn't any reason a student shouldn't receive full points.
Warmup Template: Click here for the document
Warmup #1:
Question: What are the blanks from the following video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdnwRoTKcgo
1) We are a world driven by _______________
2) With Science, you can solve _______________
3) Science allows us to make ______________ no one could have ever imagined
Warmup #2:
Question: What are the blanks from the following video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sbv8_T1ChE
1) Science is in everything you __________, ____________, ____________, and _____________.
Warmup #3
1) How would you describe your first week of being an 8th grader?
2) What are you most looking forward to this year?
Warmup #4 Answer the question from the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81SuD2pltM
1) Sketches were only identified around what percent of the time?
2) We process human faces _______________ rather than looking at individual features.
Warmup #5:
1) Define Inherited and Acquired Traits
2) List 2 inherited and 2 acquired traits you have
Warmup #6
List 5 different daily activities you do that require you to use your muscles. Which muscle groups do you use for that activity?
Warmup #7
1) What two proteins are involved in muscle movement?
2) How are the muscles, when viewed under a microscope, different for animals with large muscles compared to those that are normal size?
Warm-up #8 Watch the following video and answer the questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tM1LFFxeKg
1) How many muscles do we have in the human body?
2) What will happen to your muscles if you don't expose them to resistance?
3) Does genetics have a factor in someone's ability to grow muscle?
Warmup #9 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLsimrBoYXc
1) What 2 elements line the muscle cell's membrane?
2) Where does your muscles get the extra ions after it's become emptied?
Warmup #10 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1pb2aK2we4
1) What are the two types of
2) How long does stretching last if you don't keep active?
3) How can you make stretching permanent?
Warmup #11
What are 4 things that we learned about muscled cows from the interviews with the farmer?
Warmup #12
1) What 3 things make up a nucleotide?
2) What are the 4 different nucleotides?
3) What are the 2 different base pairs?
Warmup #13: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeAL6xThfL8
1) How many cells are in the average human body?
2) What organelle contains all of the DNA found in each cell?
3) How many letters are in the human genome?
Warmup #14 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_b80fHmuWw&t=196s
1) What dictates the difference between a man and a mushroom?
2) What is a segment of DNA called?
3) Your DNA contains between _______ and ______ genes
Warmup #15
1) How many chromosomes does a human have?
2) Where do we get our chromosomes from? How many?
3) What determines if someone is biologically male or female?
Warmup #16: Watch the following videos and write down one symptom from each genetic disorder?
Klinefelter Syndrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMEhYioI34E
Down Syndrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILgLmChlxNg&t=128s
Turner Syndrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6liRnsO-05Q
Warmup #17 Watch the following video and answer the questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVIVSpUgR44
1) Which cells are not edited by CRISPR?
2) What cells did the Chinese scientist modify?
Warmup #18 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7QHAasiDgE&t=13s
1) What is the difference between identical and fraternal twins?
Warmup #19
1) Complete a Punnett Square for the following scenario.
2) What all the % genotypes and % phenotypes?
Warmup #20
Complete the following punnett square and determine all possible genotype and phenotype percentages
Warmup #21 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQifx8BpaqE
1) How many countries helped with the Human Genome Project?
2) What accelerated the project?
Warmup #22 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmFEoCFDi-w
1) What are the 3 possible ways to eliminate cancer?
2) The more frequenly a cancer cell divides, the more likely __________ is to kill it
Warmup #23
Give me 3 examples of things that change over time?
Describe how you have changed over time?
Warmup #24
1) What are 3 reasons why PRODUCTS have changed over time?
2) What are some reasons that have caused YOU to change over time?
Warmup #25
1) What were two pieces of evidence that told the paleontologists that the fossil was a penguin?
2) How is Pedro different from other modern day penguins?
Warmup #26
1) How many total "modern" penguins are there?
2) What patterns did you notice in the geographic location of different species of penguins?
Warmup #27
1) What was one claim you wrote that would possibly explain what happened to all the Ancient Penguins?
2) What was one claim you wrote that would possibly explain how we have Modern Penguins?
Warmup #28 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxyGKmJIB1Y
What are 5 observations you noticed from the video?
Warmup #29 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7yEEX4djes
1) Fossils are catagorized into what two main types?
2) Permineralization eventually turns bone into what?
Warmup #30
1) What were the 5 fossils discussed last class?
2) What is the difference between a mold and cast fossil?
Warmup #31 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiN0jxZ6I2w
1) What are the 3 time periods when the dinosaurs existed?
2) In which time period is there a "gap" in the fossil record?
Warmup #32: watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMuxQWvok2M
1) Why do they keep adding to an already large collection?
2) What are the 3 steps paleontologists do to help build that record?
Warmup #33 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwQAAYctdFY&t=27s
1) How many specimens are preserved in the basement of the Field Museum of Chicago?
2) Keeping the specimens wet allows them to keep what 2 things?
Warmup #34
Look at the following image and determine the order of the layers
Warmup #35 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKETe78t5p8
1) What is one way the giraffe is adapted to survive in its environment?
2) How was a giraffe ancestor different from a modern day giraffe?
Warmup #36: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NdMnlt2keE
1) Evolution is a change in the ________ pool over time.
2) What are the 5 processes that can cause the frequency to change?
Warmup #37: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFXKoKOLyRU
1) For birds, beaks work like surrogate ____________?
2) Without teeth, which organ helps birds grind up their food?
Warmup #38: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw1u8XV2DYo
1) List the 7 ways that fur helps animals
Warmup #39 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnYSMhR3jCI
1) How many human generations has there been since leading up to us?
2) Where does the most ancient human mitochondrial DNA come from?
Warmup #40 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEhOZJ55Ve8
1) When genes are becoming more common, it's because they are making it easier to ___________.
2) What are 2 other ways that humans can influence evolution?
Warmup #41: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ejcOZDnyrk
1) How many species are on the planet?
2) Why is it so hard to count species?
Warmup #42: Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MurFdzEpQbQ
1) Why would bringing back a mammoth be so difficult?
2) Instead of using de-extinction to bring back old animals, what should we use it for?
Warmup #43: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B74-W0jvRq4
1) The goal of scientific pursuit shouldn't be for us to merely make use of the world, but for us to _______________ it.
2) What does Einstein say is the most important thing?
Warmup #44 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VlRZr8Q440
1) What are 5 areas where we see physics in the world around us?
Warmup #45
What are the terms for the following units at the BASE level
g, L, m =
Convert the following units using the King Henry chart
1) 5400L = __________kL
2) 3g = _______mg
3) 1850cm = ________m
Warmup #46: Convert the following. *Some are single "dominoes", and some are multiple "dominoes". Remember to set the giant T and keep track of units.
1) Mass: 15,000 ounces to pounds
2) Distance/Length: 26 miles to kilometers
3) Volume: 200 liters to barrels
4) Time: 1 year to seconds
Warmup #47 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbdx2nOQKKo&list=PLON0ys4oDDCsUSDv-1WMRkgtw2P7UEwoS&index=201
What are the 3 reasons that the US refuses to go METRIC?
Warmup #48 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bUVjJWA6Vw
1) What caused NASA to crash a $200 million orbiter into Mars?
2) The meter is 1/10,000,000th the distance from the Equator to where?
Warmup #49 Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z-EIcdJ9VY
1) Define distance and displacement
2) Which is a scaler and which is a vector?
Warmup #50
1) Describe how you would solve a unit conversion using "King Henry"
2) How would you convert using "What goes up" method
Warmup 51: Calculate the Distance (m) and Displacement (m) for the following trips
Distance: Displacement:
Distance: Displacement:
Warmup #52
Alan rents a private jet for the weekend. He flies 400 km south to New York, then flies 700 km west to Chicago, then 1200 km south to Miami. (use 1cm = 100km)
1) What distance did he cover?
2) What was his displacement?
Warmup #53
Answer the questions from the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8m9VJfwYrc
1) Between speed and velocity, which is scalar and which is a vector?
2) Between speed and velocity, which uses distance and which uses displacement?
Warmup 54
1) Create a story based on the following motion graph
Warmup #55: Answer the question from the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGYLyVaIJr8
1) What do you notice happens to her speed as she goes down the hill?
2) What is her fastest speed? (kph)