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    Initial Thoughts on College Research

    • How Do I Develop a List of Schools?
      •  Conduct a search using the college section of Naviance. (Check out the links under College Research to help you start your search!)
      • View college websites.
      • Discuss the research you have completed with your School Counselor
    • How Do I Get More Information?
      • Request information through Admissions Offices (websites, college fairs, etc.)
      •  Meet with college admissions representatives during fall visits to WHS (senior year). You can also speak with admissions representatives at an area College Fair.
      • Keep up to date by checking college websites often and following schools on (social media, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc.) C.
    • How Can My School Counselor Help Me?
      •  Your School Counselor is available to review your progress in researching college options and assist in comparing your academic profile with individual college admissions requirements.
      • You are encouraged to make appointments with your School Counselor for assistance throughout the admissions process.
    • When You Finish Your Research, Ask Yourself:
      • What sets this school apart from others of its type?
      • Does the school fit my academic profile?
      •  Would I be challenged here?
      • Could I be happy here?
      • Would I be comfortable?
    • Some Final Thoughts:
      • Giving careful consideration to all information obtained during your research and campus visits, you should discuss tentative choices with your parent/guardian and your School Counselor as you decide where you will be applying for admission.
      • It is recommended that students apply to a balanced list of colleges so that you have options at the end of the application process. Most students apply to 5 to 8 colleges that vary in terms of difficulty of getting in but that possess the characteristics you have concluded are important to you. Some students will apply to more; others will apply to fewer.