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We get regular visits from UNR for application and financial aid help. If you have questions, you are welcome to come to the Cube or contact our UNR representative, Elizabeth Nubel-Davis - enubel@unr.edu
Freshman Information:
Interested in a campus tour : https://www.unr.edu/visit
UNR has different types of tours that they offer:
90 minute walking tour - this is a quick tour around the UNR campus.
Nevada Bound - a free program available for prospective students and parents to visit the campus. Learn about admissions, scholarships, financial aid, housing, tour residence halls, meet with academic representatives and participate in informal discussions with current students and faculty.
Financial Aid: Washoe County District High Schools will be sponsoring FAFSA Parent Nights - January 2024 - A UNR Rep will be attending these Events at all schools. See Financial Aid Tab or https://www.washoeschools.net/Page/17408
If you have any questions or concerns about FAFSA, please contact UNR's Financial Aid Office. They will be able to answer questions over the phone or you can set up an appointment to meet with a Financial Aid Rep.
NV Guarantee:
If you've got the grades to go to the University of Nevada, Reno, family finances shouldn't stand in your way. That's why there's The Nevada Guarantee. If you're a Nevada resident and come from a low-income family, we'll guarantee you free tuition, fees and books, plus all the academic and social support you'll need to graduate in four years or less. To learn more about this program: https://www.unr.edu/nevada-guaranteeNevadaTeach:
NevadaTeach is a dual-degree program for undergraduate STEM majors at the University of Nevada, Reno. Students from a host of majors can add a degree in Secondary Education, without adding time or money to their plan. Most of our alumni teach science, mathematics, and agricultural science at the middle or high school level, while others enter graduate or medical school, go into research, or work in various industries. With NevadaTeach, the options are limitless.UNR First Year Scholarships:
UNR First Year Scholarships matrix is changing this year. New incoming freshman students who have completed ALL admission requirements by Feb 1st are automatically considered for the scholarship programs listed HERE upon admission. For more information, go to UNR ScholarshipsUNR Dual- Enrollment Program
Early College Academy's 1+3 program provides high school students the opportunity to complete a year or more of college courses while still enrolled at their local high school. By completing one year of college requirements during high school, students can graduate college in three years. The Benefits of this program: Get a head start on your college education; Save on Tuition (only $150 per credit); Support Services plus your joining the university community! Lower and Upper Division Courses are available.
Army Officer ROTC Scholarship
Amount Of Each Scholarship: Full tuition scholarships are available or $6,000 per semester.
Description: This scholarship is for anyone who wants to be an officer for the Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserves. The scholarship can be used at any Army ROTC program across the nation as long as you are accepted into that university.
Student Eligibility/Criteria:
- Scholarships are awarded based on a student’s merit and grades, not financial needs.
Visit: Please follow the link below to start an Army ROTC National Scholarship. https://www.goarmy.com/rotc/high-school-students/four-year-scholarship.html
Below are the deadlines for the scholarship:
12 JUN 2023 Application for School Year 2024 opens16-20 OCT 2023 1st Selection Board. To compete in this board you must have your documents in NLT 09 October 2023. (Do not worry about making this board. Only 10% are selected)
22-26 JAN 2024 2nd Selection Board. To compete in this board you must have your documents in NLT 15 January 2024.
4 FEB 2024 Last Day to create an online application
18-22 MAR 2024 3rd Selection Board. To compete in this board you must have your documents in NLT 11 March 2024.
Ideally you want to meet one of these scholarship boards to be eligible for the scholarship. To be competitive, the following is recommended:
- Clubs, Sports, and other Organizations (Leadership Positions are Bonus)
- 3.6 GPA Unweighted preferred
Completing the application is important to be eligible for campus based scholarships if you do not receive a national scholarship. The University of Nevada, Reno Army ROTC program will extend opportunities for campus based scholarships to anyone who completed the National Scholarship Application and did not receive a National Scholarship but put UNR as one of their choices. The UNR Campus Scholarship Board is much looser on its selection process. There is no guaranteed you will receive a scholarship, however there is a guarantee you won’t receive one if you don’t apply.
If you would like additional information about officership in the Army or about the Army ROTC program, please contact me Mr. Todd Gniotczynski at tgniotczynski@unr.edu