• mtss
    MTSS Process 

    One of the goals of the GATE program is to assure that students receive the appropriate level of service.  The MTSS process allows us to identify academic and behavioral needs and implement supports to help students be successful.  The GATE program has several levels of service.  If supports are not sufficient to help students be academically successful, a change in level of service may be recommended.

    Behavior/Communication Plan 

    The PGT Behavior/Communication plan makes excellent use of IC’s current Behavior Scoring system. It provides valuable, transparent feedback to both students and parents about any behavior issues that may be hindering a student’s performance in the classroom. Every Monday, students will receive 4 automatic points for the upcoming week’s Behavior grade in IC. Thus, in four core classes, students begin each week with 16 total Behavior points.

    Progressive Behavior Plan 


    Any day a student loses a Behavior point, the score will be reduced by 1 and an explanation will be added into IC. If a more significant incident occurs (or the same problem behaviors persist in the same period a point was deducted), the note “minor” or “major” would be added, which indicates that a referral to the Dean was made (who would contact home in such a case).

    Example from Social Studies


    Here you see the week’s score. Going forward, dates will reflect Mondays. 


    Each Friday, parents/guardians of students earning 13 or less points will receive an email from Mr. Slater alerting them to this fact and inviting them to view the reasons in IC. Note: Elective teachers email as needed as they are not part of this plan. Of course we invite all parents to check IC periodically to see whether there are any Behavior notes of concern.


    If a student receives 13 or less points for a second week in a semester, parents/guardians will be invited to a meeting with teachers/counselor to discuss the problem and create a plan of assistance. All parties will be informed about Step Four. 


    Step Four would be initiated after the third week a student earns 13 or less Behavior Points. At such time, and after all future weeks during the semester 13 or less Behavior Points are earned, a Behavior Major will be submitted to the Pine Dean (to be handled according to the WCSD Discipline Plan). Whether this process continues into the following semester will be up to the discretion of the teaching team, counselor, Gate administration, and Dean. 

    *We expect that most of our students will have no problems with this plan.

    Students with exceptional Behavior scores can look forward to winning a chance to enter a raffle at the end of each Quarter!