- Middle Schools
- Counselors Corner
Rachel Drake
CPC, NCC, NCSCSchool Counselor
Class of 2029 - 8th grade(775) 333-5160 Ext.43012
RacDrake@washoeschools.netSamantha Johnson
NCCSchool Counselor
Class of 2031 - 6th grade(775) 333-5160 Ext.43010
Samantha.Johnson@washoeschools.netKelsey Wall
School Counselor
Class of 2030 - 7th grade(775) 333-5160 Ext. 43011
Kelsey.Wall@washoeschools.netKourtnie Greene
LMSWSocial Worker (775) 333-5160 Ext. 43003
Kourtnie.Greene@washoeschools.netJennifer Mitterer
NCSPSchool Psychologist Jennifer.Mitterer@WashoeSchools.net Messages left on these phone numbers, emails, and other forms of contact will be returned during school hours generally within one school day. If you have an emergency situation please contact 988 Lifeline (call or text) additionally, outside of school hours Safe Voice can help you report information to local and school officials.
Students should click here to request an appointment
Families are invited to contact their counselor through email or phone call. Office staff can help you set up an in person meeting if you prefer.
Se invita a las familias a comunicarse con su consejero por correo electrónico o por teléfono. El personal de la oficina puede ayudarle a usted a programar una reunión en persona si lo prefiere.
Courses and Registration
Career Information
Articles for Parents
- Grades and Rubrics in Vaughn's MYP
- Making the Most of Middle School
- A Guide To Starting Middle School
- Social Media and Digital Citizenship
- Tip Sheets for Parents (Tips 2 and 3 are great for parents of middle schoolers)
Cursos y Inscripción
- Convertirse en un estudiante de VMS
- Como usar Infinite Campus
- Inscripción de las Clases
- Información de ACE High School
Información de Carreras
Para Padres
Referals to resources beyond the school district are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Washoe County School District of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.