• Greetings Families!

    We are so excited to have you as a part of our band program at Shaw. We have many exciting events planned throughout the year. Some of the events are listed below:

    Friday, September 13th at Spanish Springs High School (Int./Adv. Only) Optional

    • 4:00-8:00 PM

    Thursday, November 14th in the GYM Mandatory

    • 5:00 PM 6th Grade Band
    • 6:30 PM 7/8th Grade Band

    Thursday, November 21st at Mendive Middle School Optional

    • 3:30-5:30 PM 

    Thursday, January 30th in the CAFERTERIA Optional

    • 5:00 PM Solo and Ensemble Night 

    Friday, May 23rd in the GYM Mandatory

    • 5:00 PM 6th Grade Band 
    • 6:330 PM 7/8th Grade Band

    More dates will be added to this list as they are confirmed.

    Much of the weekly and daily updates will happen via Infinite Campus email blasts and Canvas updates please check these cites regularly with your student to not fall behind.

    I am looking forward to hearing all of the amazing musical achievements throughout the year!

    -Mrs. Whiteley