• The mission of PTA

    To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in schools, and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.  
    To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children.
    To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
    You do not have to come to meetings, but a chair will always be open.
    Be a part of something great this year, join Depoali PTA. Kendyl Depoali PTA Membership Form 


    PTA OFFICERS     2024-2025                                

    President:   Jessi Doering  

    Vice President:  Darcie Schwarzer             

    Treasurer: Lacy Trapp  


    "The PTA gladly accepts any help or donations".

    Meetings are normally held every first Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm in room 110.  


  • So how can you help or be involved? There are different ways to be involved, and being a member doesn't mean you have to do them all. Be involved as much or little as you like.

    Membership!    Simply fill out the Depoali PTA Membership Form and include your membership fee. You may also add a donation if you like. Return the form to the front office. Checks may be made out to the Depoali PTA.  You may also pay for your membership online .


    Volunteer!  There are lots of events throughout the year that we would love your assistance with. These events would not have happened if it wasn't for the help of parents like you.
    Be engaged!  Attend general meetings. Your input and ideas are important to the board in making decisions.  
    Here are a few of the great programs/events the Depoali PTA puts on and/or funds:
    • Dine-in Nights
    • Fall Fundraiser
    • Teacher appreciation breakfasts/luncheons
    • Family Night (silent auction, student dance, family bingo night)
    • Color Me Depoali Run 
    • Teacher needs
    • PBIS/Student Store 
    • Technology refreshes (student laptops)   





    Create thoughtful and lasting custom creations from stationary, award-winning photo books, cards, announcements, invitations, gifts and home decor with Tiny Prints and Shutterfly. Anyone can shop! Share with parents, teachers, family, colleagues, and friends, and encourage them to spread the word!  By ordering through DEPOALIMS.SHUTTERFLYSTOREFRONT.COM you will be helping Depoali to raise money for our school. 

    Box top label


    The PTO is proud to announce it's a school-wide fundraiser with Campbell’s Labels for Education and General Mills Box Tops for Education. It is an easy fundraiser and all you have to do is save box “tops” or “labels!” When you buy Campbell’s or General Mills products, please save the labels or scan your receipts.  

    So what do we need to do now? Start saving the labels or scanning receipts!  Clipped labels can be brought to the office and placed in the "box-top jar" or check out the new generation of online savings! No more clipping labels! Scan your receipts!   By going to and signing up for free, you can begin scanning your receipts and earning money for our school.  



    Shop on Line: Earn cash for our school online with eBoxTops. You can earn eBoxTops with every qualified purchase at over 200 stores; just start at the Box Tops Marketplace, which has special links to each of these stores that allow our school's account to be credited. Be sure to use our school ID Code 966-4136. See participating stores at  

    Enter for chances to win eBoxTops: Box Tops offers sweepstakes and other bonus offers all the time! You could give our school an earning boost with thousands of eBoxTops. Entering is easy and there's no purchase necessary. See this month's bonus offers at




    • The Washoe County School District website may contain links that lead to resources, video, etc., which is located on servers that are not maintained or controlled by the District. The District is not responsible for the contents of any such referenced websites or for the availability of access to such websites.