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- Counseling
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If you need to talk, your counselors are here for you! Email is the best way to contact us. Each counselor has a direct number (see below). You can also leave a message at the Depoali main office by calling 775-852-6700. (be sure to leave your name)
The mission of the Kendyl Depoali Middle School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive guidance program to ensure that all students will have the skills and resources necessary to successfully pursue life-long learning, personal well-being, meaningful relationships, and a self-chosen career path.
COUNSELORS FOR 2024-20256th Grade Jessica Reese (775) 327-3856 Jessica.reese@washoeschools.net7th Grade Jeremy Gabbard (775) 327- 3854 JGabbard@washoeschools.net8th Grade Kevin Rutherford (775) 327-3855 krutherford@washoeschools.netSafe Talk For Teens is a Nonprofit Early Intervention and Prevention Resource Center. We offer teens and parents a safe place to talk while maintaining confidentiality. Our services are FREE and our objective is to redirect, assist, guide, refer, and motivate teenagers to make better decisions by focusing on their values and setting goals.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, ASK YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR ABOUT US AND/OR CALL 775-823-2700 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT with Joe Dufur, Director/Case Manager. Joe is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish.Office Hours: M-F: 8-5
Safe Place - Get Help Fast!When you don't know where to turn, look for the Safe Place sign to get you to help, safety, shelter and support.Help is FREE and confidential.The Children's Cabinet 800-536-45881090 S. Rock BoulevardReno, NV 89502Secret Witness 775-329-6666 Text a Tip: 274637 enter TIP725 + messageHelpful Documents for Depoali Parents
Connect With Your Student, Free Virtual Workshop for Depoali MS, families
Dealing with Grief:
Below are some resources to help with any grief and symptoms of grief that students may be exhibiting.Trama Intervention (775) 337-2112 website: www.tipnnv.orgCrisis Call Center (775) 784-8090
- The Washoe County School District website may contain links that lead to resources, video, etc., which is located on servers that are not maintained or controlled by the District. The District is not responsible for the contents of any such referenced websites or for the availability of access to such websites.