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RISE Academy for Adult Achievement
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Future RISE Students,
Below you will find the steps to enroll.
A continuación encontrará los pasos para inscribirse.
4th Quarter Classes Begin April 7th.
**Enrollment deadline is April 3rd by 3PM.**
STEP 1 Register: CLICK HERE to complete online registration. * Required
STEP 2 Come In: Come in with a valid ID/student ID to meet with the counselor to finalize registration. *Required
- Plan to meet with the counselor without any guests. Counselor meetings are one-on-one.
STEP 3 Attend a student orientation: You will receive your login info for this via email/text * Required
Please bring a copy of your ID in person.
COUNSELOR (18 Years Old & Over):
Shannon Quinn
Shannon's Email: CLICK HERE
Phone #: (775)337-9939 EXT: 35117
COUNSELOR (16/17 Years Old):
Sandra Casey
Sandra's Email: CLICK HERE
Phone #: (775)337-9939 EXT: 35116
PASO 1 Registre: Haga CLIQ AQUI para completar el registro en línea. *Requisito.
PASO 2 Video: Haga CLIQ AQUI para mirar el video de los programas.
PASO 3 Asista a una orientación para estudiantes: HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para inscribirse en una orientación. * Requerido
PASO 3 Comuniquese: Venga, llame o envíe un correo electrónico al consejero una vez que haya completado los primeros 3 pasos. * Requisito
** ¡Por favor traiga una copia de su identificación en persona para finalizar el registro! **
CONSEJERA (Mayores de 18 años):
Shannon Quinn
Shannon's Email: CLICK HERE
Phone #: (775)337-9939 ext: 35117
CONSEJERA (Menores de edad):
Sandra Casey
Sandra's Email: CLICK HERE
Phone #: (775)337-9939 EXT: 35116