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McQueen Student Body Leadership
November Newsletter
Hello Lancer families!
Welcome to the monthly newsletter from McQueen Leadership so that we can keep you and your students connected with what’s happening on campus! This includes updates on spirit days, events, games, and more upcoming news for the month. We have included all home varsity games; however please note that there are freshman and junior varsity games at home, as well as all teams that have away games. You can find more information about other games and practices at: nnd1.com.
Please make sure to follow us on instagram at @mcqueenleadership for more details regarding events and all things McQueen related!
*Important Update*
We have 2 donation drives going on this month! We are collecting toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, etc.) to create a Comfort Closet to benefit our McQueen Students. We are also collecting school supplies to donate to our local elementary schools. Please consider donating to either one of our drives and have your child bring in all donated materials to their 2nd period class.
Events to look out for:
- 11/2 - Varsity Cross Country State Competition 8am @ Veteran’s Memorial Park
- 11/2 - Band Competition 10am @ Damonte Ranch HS
- 11/8 - Children’s Theatre Production 8am
- 11/8 - Sophomore Job Interviews 8am
- 11/8 - Honor Orchestra Concert 6pm @ Pioneer Center
- 11/9-11/10 - Wrestling Camp 9am @ Small Gym
- 11/9 - Band Competition 12pm @ UNR
- 11/13 - Sophomore Class Movie Night 6pm @ Big Gym
- 11/14 - Children’s Theatre Production 8am & 6pm
- 11/15-11/16 - Debate Tournament @ Reed HS
- 11/21 - Children’s Theatre Production 8am & 6pm
- 11/21 - Student Council Meeting @ lunch
- 11/22 - Orchestra Concert 7pm @ Cafeteria