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Registering at McQueen
New Students Enrolling at McQueen
- Students who have recently moved into the McQueen zone
- Students who left WCSD and are returning to McQueen
Steps to Enroll:
- Complete Online Registration through the Washoe County School District website. Click on "Kindergarten and New to WCSD Online Registration"
- Fill out the forms in the 2025-2026 Registration Packet and bring them to McQueen High School Registrar’s Office along with the following documents:
- Two Proofs of Address: A Utility Bill (Power, Water, Sewer, etc.) or a Rental or Lease agreement or Closing Escrow Papers in at least one parent/guardian’s name. If you do not have these items in at least one parent/guardian’s name, see the SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES section below.
- Withdrawal Form: You must bring a withdrawal form from the last school that the student was attending. (Note: This is not needed if the school year for which the student is being enrolled has not begun yet. For example, an incoming 9th grader is enrolled at McQueen in April for the next school year. The student's 9th grade year has not begun yet, so this form is not needed).
- $20 Book Deposit Fee: This can be paid in cash or check made payable to McQueen High School.
- Original Birth Certificate: Copies are not accepted
- Shot Record (This is not needed if the student is transferring from a school within WCSD). The record must include the following:
- Two Hepatitis A shots and three Hepatitis B shots
- TDaP shot cannot be more than ten years old
- Student must have had the disease Chicken Pox or two Varicella vaccines
- Meningococcal vaccine
- Transcript: This must include all high school classes taken and grades earned. For incoming 9th grade students, a complete middle school transcript is also needed if the student is transferring from a school outside of WCSD.
If the parent/guardian and the student are living with another family, we will need a letter from the homeowner stating that the parent/guardian and the student are residing there, along with Proof of Address of the homeowner.
If the student does not live with their parent(s), then the adult with whom the student lives and the legal parent/guardian must fill out a WCSD Temporary Guardianship Form.
If the student’s guardian has legal guardianship, a copy of the court order must be provided.
Contact the Registrar
Mary Hall
Tel: (775) 746-5880
Fax: (775) 747-6883
Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-12pm and 1pm-3pm