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Yearbook Information
How to purchase a book:
1. Go to yearbookforever.com
Look up McQueen
Choose Shop the Store
2. With cash/check/card at the bookkeeper.
3. With card on the McQueen webstore.
How much is a yearbook:
$85 Now to 9/15
$95 9/15-1/10
$120 1/10 to sell-out
How to purchase a Senior Ad:
Go to yearbookforever.com
Look up McQueen
Choose Shop the Store
Create an Ad
How much are ads:
Full Page--$300 until 9/27, $360 9/28-1/10, $400 1/11-3/7
Half Page--$200 until 9/27, $230 9/28-1/10, $260 1/11-3/7
Quarter Page--$100 until 9/27, $125 9/28-1/10, $150 1/11-3/7
Senior Portraits:
At school July 31-August2
October 7 & 8
Go to Prestigeportraits.com for an appointment
Pictures need to be taken before January