• Solo & Ensemble Event Information

    Register online: https://forms.office.com/r/NnxN8gYCJS

    Solo & Ensemble is an event where students sing alone or in a small group and receive a rating and feedback from an adjudicator. Ratings are listed below. Superior and Excellent ratings will earn students medals. At the high school level, students who qualify can advance to All-State. 

    1. Superior (blue medal)      
    2. Excellent (red medal)      
    3. Good      
    4. Fair      
    5. Needs Improvement 

    This year, Solo & Ensemble will take place on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at North Valleys High School. Specific performance times will be distributed the week prior.

    Fee: $10 per solo, $5 per each member of an ensemble

    Preparation Notes: Students desiring to participate may sign up with Mr. Crowther for after-school vocal coaching, or they may use their own vocal coach. If using your own coach, Mr. Crowther will need to hear you prior to the event. It is expected that students practice daily at home. Mr. Crowther will be the accompanist unless you prefer to acquire your own.