- Middle Schools
- Counseling
Mission Statement of the Dilworth Counseling Department
The mission of the Dilworth Middle School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and social-emotional development of all students. In partnership with other school educators, parents or guardians, and the community, Dilworth School Counselors facilitate the support system to ensure all students have access to the knowledge and skills to achieve academic success, develop personal and civic responsibility, and achieve career and college readiness.
During their transition from childhood to adolescence, middle school students are characterized by a need to explore interests, connecting their learning in the classroom to practical application in life and work. Their high levels of activity coupled with frequent fatigue due to rapid growth; a search for their own unique identity as they begin turning more frequently to peers rather than parents for ideas and affirmation; extreme sensitivity to the comments from others; and heavy reliance on friends to provide comfort, understanding, and approval.
Need to speak with a counselor?
Students can sign up to see their counselor any time during the school day by CLICKING ON THIS LINK to request an appointment. Counselors will then send a pass for students to come to their office. Parents should call or email counselors directly to set up an appointment.
- Breanna Gianopoulos: Last names A-Go: bgianopoulos@washoeschools.net
- Maribel Ramirez: Last names Gr-O: marramirez@washoeschools.net
- Elizabeth Hester: Last names P-Z: ehester@washoeschools.net
- Charlie Oliveira (Social Worker): charlie.oliveira@washoeschools.net
If you need help managing stress, anxiety, or depression, click on the following links.
Links in English:
Links in Spanish: