- Middle Schools
- ELA 8 - Unit 1
O'Brien ELA
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Focus standards for Unit 1 are:
RI 8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RI 8.2 - Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.
Unit 1 Writing: Argument Essay
Using ideas, information, and examples from multiple texts in this unit, write an argument on a topic related to technology.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
As part of our English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum, we will soon begin a unit titled Gadgets and Glitches. In this unit, students will read texts related to technology and consider how technology affects people’s lives. The texts we will read center on the Essential Question “Does technology improve or control our lives?” This open-ended question is intended to spark thoughtful discussion. You may wish to explore this question with your student at home as well.
Unit 1 includes the following texts.
- The Brave Little Toaster: In this science fiction story, a mysterious energy drink interferes with the main character’s networked home. Students will learn how to analyze a story’s plot and examine aspects of the science fiction genre.
- Are Bionic Superhumans on the Horizon?: This informational text explains that we’re in the midst of a bionic revolution and explores what that means for the future of humankind. Students will identify central ideas and details in an informational text, and they will learn how to analyze a text’s organization.
- Interflora: This sonnet, written in the form of an email message, is a light-hearted take on how digital technology has changed the art of romance. Students will analyze the structure of a sonnet and learn about the use of irony in literary texts.
- The Automation Paradox: Economist and lecturer James Bessen outlines the surprising benefits of automation for the workforce in this argumentative essay. Students will learn how to analyze a claim and the evidence used to support it, as well as how to analyze the use of graphic features in texts.
- Heads Up, Humans: This argument offers a perspective on the threat automation poses to human workers. Students will evaluate evidence and learn how to analyze an author’s use of rhetoric.
After reading the texts in the unit, students may explore the following options:
- Short Reads are online independent reading selections in a variety of genres. These include poetry, science fiction, and novel.
- Long Reads are recommended books related to the unit theme and Essential Question. In this unit, recommendations include the novel Fuzzy, the science fiction collection I, Robot, and the novel Feed.
- The Unit Writing Task, Write an Argument, asks students to synthesize their reading and support their ideas using relevant evidence.
All assignments except for the Long Reads are available through your student’s eBook. Please contact me if you have any questions about this unit.
Thank you,
The 8th grade ELA Teachers
Examples of possible questions:
Reading Informational 8.1 - Citing Evidence
- Which detail from the text BEST illustrates that _____?
- What can the reader infer about (idea) based on line/paragraph _____? What evidence from the text BEST supports this inference?
- Based on line/paragraph ____, the reader can infer _____. What evidence from the text BEST supports this inference?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the inference that _____?
- What inference does line/paragraph _____ BEST support?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the inference that _____?
- What does the author imply about _____? Which line from the text BEST supports this inference?
- The author implies _____. Which line from the text BEST supports this implication?
- Which detail from the text BEST supports the fact that the author is implying _____?
- Which line from the text BEST supports the author’s implication?
- Which detail from the text BEST supports the fact that the author is implying _____?
- What does the author mean when he/she writes _____? What detail in the text BEST supports the author’s meaning by the statement _____?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the fact that the author means _____ when he writes _____?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports what the author means when he writes _____?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the fact that the author means _____ when he writes _____?
- What can the reader conclude from (specific text)? Which other detail in the text BEST supports this conclusion?
- Which detail from the text BEST supports the conclusion that _____?
- Which details from the text BEST support what the reader can conclude after reading the text?
- Which detail from the text BEST supports the conclusion that _____?
- Which detail from the text BEST supports the idea that _____?
- Which detail BEST helps the reader conclude that _____?
- Which detail from the text BEST illustrates that (character/setting/etc.) is _____?
- What does the text say about _____? Where is that stated explicitly in the text?
- The author thinks _____ about (idea). Which line from the text BEST supports this opinion?
- What is the author’s attitude to _____? What evidence from the BEST text conveys this analysis?
- Which detail from the text BEST conveys the author’s attitude toward _____?
- What is the author’s attitude to _____? What evidence from the BEST text conveys this analysis?
- What is the MOST LIKELY reason the author includes _____? Which detail from the text BEST supports this analysis?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the inclusion of _____ (does this _____)?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports why the author PROBABLY included _____?
- Which detail in the text BEST supports the inclusion of _____ (does this _____)?
Reading Informational 8.2 - Central Idea & Summaries
- What is the central idea of the text? How is the central idea developed throughout the text?
- The central idea of the text is _____. How is the central idea developed throughout the text?
- How is the central idea _____ developed throughout the text?
- How does the central idea develop throughout the text?
- How is the central idea _____ developed throughout the text?
- Which details help develop the central idea?
- How does (detail/supporting idea/etc.) help develop the central idea?
- How does the central idea develop over the course of the text?What details does the author use to develop/clarify the central idea for the reader?
- How do(es) (various details) help develop the central idea?
- Which details best develop the central idea?
- At what point in the text does the central idea emerge?
- At what point in the text should the reader be able to determine the central idea?
- At what point in the text does the central idea become fully developed?
- Which detail emphasizes the central idea of the text?
- How does (detail) affect the reader’s understanding of the central idea?
- How does (supporting idea) relate to the central idea?
- What is the impact of the (supporting idea) on the central idea?
- How do (supporting idea A)’s and (supporting idea B)'s interactions help develop the central idea?
- Which is the best summary of the overall text?
- Summarize paragraph/line _____.
- What are the most important details from the text?