• Click here to sign up for the Nevada Promise App workshop during Excel on 10/30

    Nevada Promise Scholarship: Deadline October 31, 2024

    The deadline for high school seniors to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship is fast approaching. The application deadline is October 31, 2024.  The scholarship will pay all mandatory tuition and fees for up to three years at any Nevada community college, minus any federal or state financial aid. In addition to the financial benefits, students in the program are also assigned a mentor who can help guide them through college, are required to perform community service each year, and benefit from programming and assistance to make their transition into college successful!


    Students Must: 

    • Be classified as a Nevada resident 
    • Have earned one of the following during your high school senior academic year:
    1. High school diploma from a public or private high school in Nevada; OR
    2. High school diploma from a public high school in a county of another state that borders Nevada and accepts Nevada residents; OR
    3. General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or equivalent before 20 years of age, no later than June 15; OR
    4. A homeschool student may satisfy this eligibility requirement by obtaining a GED or equivalent document no later than June 15 
    • Not have earned a prior associate or bachelors degree 
    • Meet ALL program requirements and deadlines 
    • Enroll in a minimum of 12 degree-eligible fall semester credit hours immediately following the school year in which the student graduates from high school
    • Enroll in a qualifying program: a bachelor's degree, associate degree or a certificate of achievement 

    Eligibility Requirements for TMCC students (students must complete ALL mandatory steps by the deadlines; refer to college websites below for specific deadlines):

    • Complete a Nevada Promise Scholarship application no later than 11:59 p.m. on October 31, 2024
    • Apply for admission to TMCC by deadline
    • Complete a TMCC Nevada Promise Program Training by deadline
    • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by deadline
    • Learn about placement options by deadline
    • Complete New Student Orientation by deadline
    • Complete and report at least 8 hours of eligible community service by deadline
    • Meet with assigned mentor at least once prior to deadline
    • Complete Financial Aid file (To-Do List) no later than deadline
    • Register for at least 12 credits for the fall semester no later than deadline and Go To College!


    TMCC Nevada Promise Scholarship Application

    Great Basin Nevada Promise Scholarship Application

    Western Nevada College Promise Scholarship Application

    College of Southern Nevada -Nevada Promise Scholarship