

    The ACT and the SAT tests attempt to measure college readiness and predict future academic success. After COVID-19, many schools suspended their required use in admission decisions (referred to as Test Optional, meaning it is optional to send scores for admission consideration) and the future of these standardized tests remains unclear. However, scores can still be used to place students in appropriate college courses and many scholarships require minimum test scores! The ACT is offered at our school in the Spring for all juniors because it is a graduation requirement. Please keep the score report from this exam for use during senior year!
    Want a retake? 



    Quick fact: if you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you’ll qualify for waivers!
    ACT Fee Waiver information
    SAT Fee Waiver information

    Understanding your test scores:

    ACT scores explained at length on the ACT.org Website
    SAT scores are explained at length on the College Board Website

    How to send your scores to colleges:

    Send ACT Scores: ($19.00)
    Log in to your ACT.org account and follow the  instructions to send your scores.

    Send SAT Scores:($19.00)
    Log into your College Board account and follow the instructions to send your scores

    Local College Codes:

    Truckee Meadows Community College

    ACT - 2499

    SAT - 1096

    University of Nevada Reno

    ACT - 2494

    SAT - 4844

    Note to juniors: If you study hard so you can score well on your JUNIOR YEAR ACT you can use these scores when you're applying to college/scholarships etc. You will need to keep a copy of your ACT Score Card from the junior year!



    Come to B-4 to check out Test Prep books- they have explanations, strategies, and practice tests inside!

    FREE ACT Test Prep:
    Study Guide and Practice Test

    Pre-recorded Classes

    FREE SAT Test Prep:
    Kahn Academy SAT Prep
    FREE Full length Practice Test


    UWorld College Readiness

    Perfectly modeled and up-to-date College Board®-level questions and built-in support ensure students get individualized practice and mimic what they will experience on their exams. UWorld offers prep exams for ACT, SAT, and AP level classes. 



    PrepScholar offers affordable online prep courses for the SAT,ACT, GRE and GMAT. It is an online program that trains students in the exact areas that match their needs and abilities.