• Contracts and Forms



    Online School Contract

    Students often take classes at online schools like Acellus or BYU Independent Studies. Please get counselor approval before enrolling in any online course, and please submit the Online School Contract to your designated counselor.  Galena Online School Contract

    Peer Tutor Contract

    Galena students have the opportunity to tutor other students. This .50 credit class earns a letter grade for the semester.  The student is responsible for finding a teacher who needs a peer tutor. Once a student obtains a teacher's signature, the form must be returned to the Counseling Department. Peer Tutor Contract  

    Student Aide Form

    Students can be an aide for a teacher, the Front Office, the Counseling Department, or the Discipline Office. It is the student's responsibility to find a teacher who needs an aide. Once a student obtains a teacher's signature on the student aide form, please return the completed form to the Counseling Department.  Students who aide for a teacher earn .25 credit and students who aide for the Discipline Office, Counseling Department or Front Office earn a .50 credit. Student Aide Contract

    Work Study Contract

    Students can earn credit for work experience, which also counts as a .50 credit class.  Please fill out and sign the contract and return it to your counselor with a current pay stub. Work Study Contract   

    Early Grad Form

    Students wanting to graduate early must fill out the early grad form and submit it to the Counseling Department. Early Grad Form