Cross Country

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Planning to participate in Fall sports?

    • Start Aktivate Registration: Athletes should have the Aktivate registration started before attending any summer workouts. (Coaches use Aktivate to know who is trying out and if they meet requirements.)
    • Deadline for Sports Physicals: Sports physicals must be in Aktivate before tryouts. Note: The Galena football program requires sports physicals before summer workouts.
    • GPA Check: GPA Check for Fall sports will be completed in June after grades post. 
    • Fees: Cross Country, Football, and Cheer athletes can pay the $95 WCSD Athletic fees to Wendy the bookkeeper as early as July 1st. All other Fall season athletes can pay the $95 fees (golf is $90) after tryouts.
    • Deadline for a Complete Aktivate Profile: Coaches can add athletes to their roster only if the athlete’s Aktivate account is marked complete.
    • Contact me at if you have any questions.


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