- High Schools
- Reed Course Catalog 2024-2025
- Electives
Social Studies Electives
Psychology 1-2 Course #4245-4246
Full Year = 1 Arts/Humanities credit
Can be used to satisfy the Flex credit graduation requirement
This course begins with a review of the ways people have sought to explain human behavior from ancient times through today and provides an overview of the major principles and concepts of psychology, including the brain, human development, personality, learning, cognition, and the scientific method. Students will participate in dozens of activities and real-life situations designed to bring the content alive and help them apply the material to their own lives. Magazines, book excerpts, and movies will also play a role in our search for knowledge. Emphasis will be placed upon fostering feelings of empathy for others—particularly those who are mentally ill. A sociocultural approach will be explored as a means for understanding a variety of cultures and how social aspects impact us as individuals. Students will leave the class with insights into the causes of human behavior as well as a better understanding of themselves.
Psychology through History and Film Course #4223-4224
Full Year = 1 Arts/Humanities credit
This course will focus on connecting historical events to Psychological concepts. For example Human Motivation and Early Civilizations (Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome, and the agricultural revolution). History of Warfare and the effect on the human mind (Post traumatic Stress Disorder from battle fatigue, shell shock to Vietnam Syndrome) Personality disorders and major historical figures (Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Richard Nixon, Rasputin) Social Psychology and the World Wars (Rise of Fascism, Milgram Experiment, Conformity and Obedience, role playing effect and the Stanford Prison experiment.) Racism, Segregation, and Civil Rights (Stereotypes, Attribution, in-group/ out group bias, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and the choice of non-violent protest) History of mental Health in the United States (Evolution of asylums, the insanity plea, in the legal system, Andrea Yates, Policy of Deinstitutionalization) Salem Witch Trials (Stigmas of mental health, false persecution, and just world phenomenon).
Sports in History (Paired with History Through Film) Course #4006
One Semester = 0.5 elective credit
Full Year = 1 credit
This course will examine the development of sports through numerous historical perspectives. Students will explore the issues of gender, race, ethnicity and social class in relation to sports and within a historical context, and its relationship to the social, economic, cultural, and political forces in both the world and the United States. Students will learn through a variety of methods including classroom discussions, primary source readings, as well as digital resources.
History Through Film (Paired with Sports in History) Course #4258
One Semester = 0.5 elective credit
Full Year = 1 credit
History through Film combines pop culture of American History and the advancements within the film industry to analyze some of the most important films of all time. The class begins with the beginning of film in the 1920s and 30s and continues to present day. Films showcase issues in multicultural America alongside components of economic history, geography and civics. Be ready to see film in a different light! A perfect class for those who are interested in American History, art analysis, and the art of filmmaking.
Cultural Studies (Paired with Sociology) Course #4049
One Semester = 0.5 elective credit
This course will investigate the political, social, and economic connections and contributions of diverse groups throughout history and contemporary America to better prepare students for lives and careers in an increasingly multicultural society. Students will think critically about the world and their place in it by evaluating systems of power and the impacts of those systems on diverse communities. Through an inquiry-based approach, students will explore identity, intersectionality, cultural contributions, and strategies various groups used to overcome oppression and create communities of respect, equity, and diversity. As a result, students will become conscious about the world around them and civically engaged in order to take action on issues they find important and relevant.
Sociology (Paired with Cultural Studies) Course #4241
One Semester = 0.5 elective credit
Sociology is the scientific study of human societies and how they develop, are maintained, and change. Sociology analyzes a range of human social behavior from social interactions between individuals to global social processes, often focusing on the causes and consequences of social inequalities. Areas of focus might include but are not limited to gender, race, social class, culture, education, and families.
Current Events Course #4202-4203
Full Year = 1 Arts/Humanities credit
The goal of a current events course is for the student to become aware of the major issues of the day and to have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of these events. We hope to help students develop media literacy skills and the capacity to examine issues from multiple perspectives, as well as to think critically about the world around them. We will use news programs, written journalistic pieces, websites, and documentaries. We will use inquiry-based learning, which is a student-centered teaching method that encourages students to ask questions and investigate real-world problems. In this type of learning environment, students are actively engaged in the learning process and are given the opportunity to explore. Students will identify and discuss the connections between current events and history, enhance their understanding of world events, and become informed citizens.
Health/Computer Science *REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION*
Computer Science & Applications Course #8344 or 8345
One Semester = 0.5 credit
Course Fee: $5
This course is an introduction to computer science and applications intended to “prepare young learners to become computational thinkers who understand how today's digital tools can help solve tomorrow's problems.” (ISTE, 2018). CS & A will include at least 50% computer science principles and computational thinking. The balance of the course will integrate skills in digital and media literacy and digital citizenship.
Health Course #5311
One Semester = 0.5 credit
This course is a one semester course which covers the following topics: body function; physical and emotional development; drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; disease and disorders; fitness and exercise; nutrition; consumer health, safety, first aid, and emergency care; family health, growth and development; environmental health and related fields; community health; health careers; human sexuality and HIV/AIDS.**Topics related to human sexuality and HIV/AIDS education are provided through the Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Education (S.H.A.R.E.) program - parent permission required.
Yearbook Course #1403-1404
1 year = 1 elective credit; repeatable
Grades 9-12
*Prerequisite: Instructor approval
This course is designed for the student who is interested in the development of the school yearbook. Students enrolled in this course will be required to learn and take an active part in design, photography, business management, advertisement sales, and computer techniques. Skills include planning, organizing, producing page layouts, writing copy, meeting deadlines, using the computer for yearbook design, and a willingness to work after school and some weekends in order to meet deadlines.
This course will include in-depth practice and application of journalistic methods in photography, investigation, research, interviewing, writing, and graphic design. There will be heavy emphasis on developing graphic design and editing techniques and copy writing and photography skills. Students will be required to interview students, teachers, coaches, and other members of the Reno-Sparks community as part of this class. Students will be required to attend sporting and other extra-curricular events outside of class and school time to cover them as reporters, and will have to provide their own transportation to and from these events.
Students will apply professional techniques in: investigation, interviewing, researching, photographing, news events in action, designing page layouts, selling advertising, copy writing and editing. Students will also make extensive use of In Design, Photoshop, Microsoft Word and other programs on Macintosh computers to create the school yearbook, which is published on a rigorous deadline schedule.
Student Leadership
Student Leadership Course #7201-7202
1 year = 1 elective credit; repeatable
Grades 9-12
Lab fee: $50 for the spirit pack
*Prerequisite: Application required
Students will be responsible for planning, organizing, and running all student-planned school activities including assemblies, spirit weeks, community service, and other activities that arise. The class will provide students with a safe environment in which to learn, practice, and master key leadership skills in conjunction with the curriculum provided during the summer Camp Leadership session. Hours outside of class meeting time are mandatory.
Library/Office Assistant
Library Assistant Course #8095-8096
1 semester = 0.5 elective credit; repeatable
Grades 11, 12
*Prerequisite: Application and approval of Librarian
This course is designed to train students as Library Assistants. As students will be earning credit, they will be expected to shelve books, clean up shelves, scan for inventory, complete projects and research assignments, read for NYRA and help librarians. Students need to be willing to take initiative and be responsible for various sections of the library. Students will receive practice using the Library catalog, premium databases, Dewey decimal system, copy machines, and the Internet. Students will be trained in general library procedures and book shelving. This course can be repeated or taken for one year.
OFFICE EXPERIENCE – SRO Course #8152-8153
1 Semester = ½ elective credit; repeatable Grades: 11, 12
Lab Fee: None
*Prerequisite: Application with Approval from the Office Manager or Office Aide Instructor; minimum 3.0 GPA required This course acquaints the student with actual on-the-job situations in the school main office, attendance office and the student relations office. Use of office equipment, assisting bookkeeper, phone training and filing are stressed as well as following office guidelines. This course requires excellent attendance, cooperation, confidentiality, professionalism and skill development.
Learning Center (OLE)
Learning Center (OLE) Course #7701-7702
1 semester = 0.5 credit in course taken for credit recovery: repeatable
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: Counselor Approval
The primary purpose of this online program is to give students a chance to recover the credit needed to graduate. To be eligible for credit recovery, the student must have completed the entire 18-week semester in the assigned course and received an F grade in the class, may have earned an F through failure to meet the 90% attendance requirement, or may be in imminent danger of failing. OLE courses are mastery-based. To earn a grade and subsequent credit, all work must be completed. The grade a student earns in an OLE course may be used to replace an F earned in the same course. Students may not use OLE courses to raise their grade.
Distance Education Option: It is possible to do OLE courses online at home. Please see your counselor for details.
Please check with the college/university that you will be attending to see if online credits will be accepted.
Job Experience
Job Experience Course #8369
1 semester = 180 hours = 0.5 elective credit; repeatable up to four semesters; course hours must occur within the dates of each semester
Grades: 9-12
Credit for job experience is available for students who desire to earn elective credit by being employed and by experiencing hands-on training in the world of work. Students are not eligible for this course if they are employed or supervised by their parents or relatives. Students must be 16 years or older and be receiving a paycheck (showing deductions) from their employer to qualify to enroll in this elective class. Credit earned in the Job Experience course counts toward the total of four (4) alternative credits allowed for graduation. Hours earned prior to the completion of registration are not counted.
Peer Tutor
Peer Tutor Course # 8162-8163
1 semester = 0.5 elective credit; repeatable
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Application required
Peer tutors work with other high school students as tutors applying assessment skills in reading, writing, and spelling levels. Course goals include assisting the teacher in: 1) enhancing the tutoring abilities of peer assistants; 2) identifying students with tutoring needs; 3) developing students with below standard reading abilities; 4) creating an awareness in literacy and/or our population of students with special needs. This ½ credit course is for students who want to work closely with a teacher helping students in the classroom.
Jobs for Nevada's Graduates (J4NG)
J4NG Nevada is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure that Nevada’s students are set up for success and graduate work ready. JAG Specialists assigned to participating schools assist students with challenges that may be in their way and show them the way towards a bright future.
J4NG provides a multi-year model where struggling students are identified by a school team that includes an administrator, counselor and teachers. Students are presented with the opportunities provided through J4NG electives and once enrolled, have the opportunity to continue participating in the program through graduation.
J4NG courses may only be offered at a school where JAG programming is provided.
J4NG ELECTIVE G10 Course #8424-8425
One year = 1 creditEmployability Skills Class – Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates:
This course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum. The first semester focuses on the 37 Core Competencies of J4NG to optimize employment preparedness. The second and subsequent semester(s) build on mastery of the 37 competencies and includes instruction on Competencies 38-87. Course may include field trips, job shadowing and other employment related activities.J4NG ELECTIVE G11 Course #8426-8427
One year = 1 credit
Employability Skills Class – Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates:
This course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum. The first semester focuses on the 37 Core Competencies of J4NG to optimize employment preparedness. The second and subsequent semester(s) build on mastery of the 37 competencies and includes instruction on Competencies 38-87. Course may include field trips, job shadowing and other employment related activities.J4NG ELECTIVE G12 Course #8417-8418
One year = 1 credit
Employability Skills Class – Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates:
This course prepares class participants for the workforce using Jobs for Nevada’s Graduates certified curriculum. The first semester focuses on the 37 Core Competencies of J4NG to optimize employment preparedness. The second and subsequent semester(s) build on mastery of the 37 competencies and includes instruction on Competencies 38-87. Course may include field trips, job shadowing and other employment related activities. -
UNR/TMCC Electives
UNR Psychology 101 (Arts/Humanities) Course #14153-14154
1 year = 1.0 elective credit; 3 UNR credits
Course Fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor/team approval
In this course students survey the research and theories of the science of human behavior with a particular focus on human mental processes. Among the topics discussed are development, learning, memory, perception, personality, motivation, social behavior, abnormal behavior and therapy.
UNR Spanish 211 (World Language) Course #14239-14240
1 year = 1.0 World Language credit; 3 UNR credits
Course Fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor/team approval
Study at the intermediate level of Spanish language structures and culture with continues emphasis on proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
UNR Music 203 (paired with Music 211) Course #14257-14258
1 semester = 0.5 elective credit, 4 UNR credits
Class fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor/team approval
Music 203:Counterpoint and harmony (written and keyboard).
Music 211 (1 credit): Sight singing and dictation.
UNR Music 204 (paired with Music 212) Course #14259-14260
1 semester = 0.5 elective credit, 4 UNR credits
Class fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor/team approval
Music 204:Counterpoint and harmony (written and keyboard).
Music 212 (1 credit): Sight singing and dictation.
TMCC MGT 171 - Supervision and Human Relations (Paired with MGT 212) Course #14237
1 semester = 1.0 elective credits, 3 TMCC credits
Grades: 11, 12
Class fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor approved
Take a skill-building approach to your successful transition from employee to first-level manager, beginning with the interpersonal skills needed to be a competent and cooperative contributor in a group environment through a better understanding of yourself and others. Examine concepts and practice applying supervisory abilities such as goal setting, staffing, decision making, communicating, appraising performance, and managing conflict. In addition, understand compliance issues such as EEO, and workplace health and safety. Gain a better understanding of yourself as a supervisor and explore some of the more effective ways of relating to others.
TMCC MGT 212 - Leadership and Human Relations Course #14238
1 semester = 1.0 elective credits, 3 TMCC credits
Grades: 11, 12
Class fee: $75
*Prerequisite: Instructor approved
Explore leader and follower behavior in organizations, in terms of both theory and practice as you learn to understand yourself as a leader and explore some of the more effective ways of leading others. You will find that some of the most challenging decisions facing leaders are those that involve values and morality. Discuss ideas and concepts that will help you incorporate consideration of ethics into your own leadership approach.