• Missed the opportunity to take college-level classes Freshman year? It's not too late, get a Jumpstart on College Credits this year! 


    Planning to attend Community College? 

    TMCC Jump Start/Dual Enrollment

    Are you in your First Year of High School and want to get a jump start on planning ahead for College? Check out TMCC's Jump Start program and earn college credits while going to High school. You can start College classes as soon as 9th Grade! 



    Planning to attend UNR? 

    University of Nevada, Reno- Dual Credit Program 

    Earn college credit while in high school

    Dual credit courses allow Nevada high school students to take college courses that can be used to satisfy both high school graduation and college degree requirements.




    • Meet with your school counselor for a follow-up on your grades from freshman year. Has your type of diploma plan changed?  There is still time to make changes. Remember your counselor is here to help you. Be sure to communicate!
    • Implement any advice gained from your school counselor check-in into your yearly plan
    • Take the PSAT to get familiar with the testing format and time constraints before taking the SAT/ACT in your junior year
    • Stay involved by adding extracurricular activities to your schedule. Try something you didn’t try last year.
    • Complete your MYP Project, which is a requirement for the MYP Certification and off-campus passes in your sophomore year. If you complete your MYP Personal Project, you earn an off-campus pass during your sophomore year. (Sophomores don't have off-campus passes.) MYP Project is part of your Sophomore Seminar course. Talk to Mrs. Evenson in the IB room if you have any questions. 
    • Make sure you complete the Community Service Reflections. You had six Reflections on community service during your freshman year. In your sophomore year, you will have to complete four more Reflections during your seminar class. This is a requirement to earn your MYP Certificate and off-campus pass.  
    • Add electives to your schedule that allow you to explore areas of study that you might be interested in.
    • At the end of the year, break out that list! Add to it. What did you do? Did you have an afterschool job? Where? How many hours? Did you volunteer? Did you check out any new clubs? Did you pass 16 tests to become the youngest certified gas mechanic that your school has ever produced? Did you show any art? Have you gone viral for a musical instrument you created? Did you receive any awards? Were you involved in a worldwide pandemic? WRITE IT DOWN.