- Middle Schools
- Enrichment
Kristine Wilbrecht
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Enrichment Requirements:
Weekly Planner Check:
Students are required to maintain a daily planner. Students should be filling this out every class period with a several word summary of what they did and if there was homework. Planners turned in at the start of class on Monday of every week. Please review your students planner with them every week and sign for that week. While not required, students who turn in a planner with a parent signature get extra credit. Students are also asked to check their grades and fill this section of their planner out weekly. Students with grades of a C or less will be asked to email their teachers and find out what they can do to improve their score within that class. Students will also recieve extra credit if they get a second signature for their grade check.
Students are expected to engage and participate positively within the class. This includes participation in discussions, responding to prompts, playing games, etc. Students will earn or lose behavior and or work ethic points depending upon their engagement with the activities.
Daily Focus:
Monday - Planner and Grade checks, Tuesday - Social Emotional Lesson, Wednesday - Current Events, Thursday - Social Emotional Lesson, Friday - Free