
Posted by Kathleen Marshall on 10/17/2017

garden beds



Before Fall break, Mr. Gifford asked me if I might want to take on the Garden Club, since Ms. Kaiser was not going to be the advisor anymore. My first thought was, "Are you insane?" but part of me thought it would be a wonderful way to learn more about gardening myself, and to help kids learn, too. My husband, of Red Dragon Carnivores, pledged to help out, and we have a wonderful new volunteer advisor, Claire Berry, from both Rail City and The Polygrarian Intsitute.

We had out first meeting on October 12th and had a flurry of great ideas for the future of the garden. The Fall Clean-Up event on October 14th was a huge success. Upwards of 40 people showed up to help and we were able to get lots of overgrown garden beds taken back to the soil. Volunteers weeded and hauled for almost 3 hours. There were times when I was overwhelmed with emotion at the wonderful show of support and enthusiasm. I am hoping that the support will continue as we make plans for planting. 

Our next meeting will be on October 26th. We'll be working with Claire to create a plan and a planting calendar. We'll prioritize projects and plan for fundraising. The garden is a beautiful space and together we will create a resource for our Pine students and the community. Contact me if you'd like to be a part of the fun!

Mrs. Marshall
