Female Uniforms
Hair must be in a sock bun if it hangs below the bottom of the shoulder blade.
- Hair can be in a pony tail if it falls above the bottom of the shoulder blade.
Scrunches must be color of hair.
Only one ring per hand can be worn.
Black socks or nylons (nude, beige, tan, taupe) must be worn.
Socks must be calf length. No anklets.
Only one set of stud earrings no more than ¼” in diameter can be worn in the ear lobes only.
No flashy or an excessive amount of make-up should be worn.
Only clear, skin tone or natural color nail polish is acceptable.
Class A
Gold Rank: Placed in the middle of the shoulder loops.
Star: Centered (left-right) ¼ of an inch above the nameplate with one point of the star up,
on the coat or shirt when worn as an outer garment.
Academic Wreath: It is worn centered on the right side above the nameplate on the coat or shirt when worn as an outer garment. If the Honor Unit insignia is worn, the wreath will be pinned so that the star will be worn 1/4 inch above the nametag with-in the wreath. Receipts of subsequent awards are indicated by a felt pad centered background worn beneath the wreath so as not to protrude beyond its edges.
(1) For the second award - a red pad.
(2) For third award - a silver-gray pad.
(3) For fourth award - a gold pad.
Name Tag: The bottom of the nametag is placed 1”-3” above the top of the first button;
centered from left to right.
Ribbons: The bottom of the ribbons are placed on the left side.
The bottom of the ribbons is aligned with the bottom of the nameplate and centered from left to right.
Tabs: Place between the second and third buttons, centered (left-right). Each tab is placed 1/4 inch apart.
Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left. If two are worn
, the highest goes on the left.
Regimental Crest - Cadet Sergeant and above. Placed ¼” above the star and centered
Class B
Gold Rank: Placed on the middle of the shoulder loops.
Star: Centered (left-right) ¼ of an inch above the nameplate with one point of the star up,
on the coat or shirt when worn as an outer garment.
Academic Wreath: It is worn centered on the right side above the nameplate
on the coat or shirt when worn as an outer garment.
If the Honor Unit insignia is worn, the wreath will be pinned so that the star will be worn 1/4 inch above the nametag with-in the wreath.
Receipts of subsequent awards are indicated by a felt pad centered background worn beneath the wreath
so as not to protrude beyond its edges.
(1) For the second award - a red pad.
(2) For third award - a silver-gray pad.
(3) For fourth award - a gold pad.
Name Tag: The bottom of the nametag is placed 1”-3” above the top of the first button; centered from left to right.
Ribbons: The bottom of the ribbons are placed on the left side. The bottom of the ribbons is aligned with the bottom
of the nameplate and centered from left to right.
Tabs: Place between the second and third buttons, centered (left-right). Each tab is placed 1/4 inch apart.
Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left.
If two are worn, the highest goes on the left.
Regimental Crest - Cadet Sergeant and above. Placed ¼” above the star and centered
Male Uniform
Clean-cut hair cuts, off ears and collar.
A clean-shaved face; mustaches should not be any wider than the width of the mouth.
Sideburns can not extend below the top of the ear opening.
No earrings or piercings of any kind worn with the uniform.
Only black socks should be worn with the uniform. Socks must be calf length. No anklets
Allowed only one ring per hand.
Class A
Gold Rank: Placed on the middle of the shoulder loops.
Star: 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket. Centered (left-right) with the pocket.
Academic Wreath: 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket. Centered (left-right) with pocket.
HUD Star is placed inside the wreath.
(1) For the second award - a red pad.
(2) For third award - a silver-gray pad.
(3) For fourth award - a gold pad.
Name Tag: Centered on the pocket flap between the top of the pocket and the pocket button.
Regimental Crest: Sergeants and above, Placed 1/4 inch above the Gold star and centered.
Ribbons: Center on the pocket. Stacked from the top of the pocket.
Tabs: Centered (top-bottom) between the bottom of the flap and the bottom of the pocket.
Each pin is placed 1/4 inch apart from each other.
Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left. If two are worn,
the highest goes on the left.
Brass: Placed 1” above the notch on the lapel and centered
Class B
Gold Rank: Placed on the middle of the shoulder loops.
Name Tags: Centered between the top of the pocket and the pocket button.
Ribbons: Centered on the pocket and stacked up from the top of the pocket.
Star: 1/4 inch above the top of the pocket and centered (left-right) with the pocket.
Wreath: 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket and centered (left-right) with the pocket.
The star is worn inside the wreath.
Regimental Crest: Sergeants and above. Placed 1/4 inch above the gold star and centered.
Tabs: Centered between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the pocket.
Each tab should be 1/4 inch apart from each other.
Cords: A maximum of two cords can be worn. If one is worn, it goes on the left. If two are worn,
the highest goes on the left.
Brass: Placed 1” above the notch on the lapel and centered