• Foods and Nutrition 1 provides an in-depth study in the areas of food preparation, nutrition and their relationships to personal and family wellness. Students study the importance of food choices and learn preparation techniques to maintain nutrition with the goal of healthy living. The class is organized into 9 state standards as an entry level year long class.  It is the prerequisite to Foods and Nutrition 2 and 3.

    Semester 1 Units:
    Sanitation and Safety
    Kitchen Resource Management
    Food Choices
    Semester 2 Units:
    Selecting and Preparing Grain Products
    Selecting and Preparing Plant Proteins and Dairy Products 
    Meal Management
    Entrepreneurship and Professional Practices
    Consumerism / Career Pathways and Industry Professional Standards
    Selecting and Preparing Fruits and Vegetables 
    Foods and Nutrition 2 

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