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Welcome Juniors!
Check back often for up to date information
Please visit Ms. DJ in our College and Career Center (room 245) or check out her website for information and help with all things college, scholarship, and/or career related!
ACT Prep
The ACT is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th, 2025.
You can self-enroll in the ACT prep course in Edgenuity. Your Edgenuity login is the same as your district login but you need to access Edgenuity through the WCSD portal:
If you need more help, please visit Mr. Cirillo in the Career Center (rm. 245).
ACT offers a ton of free online prep at www.act.org/theact/testprep
SAT testing
Are you interested in taking the SAT?
Please see the SAT website for information and registration.
Not sure where you want to go to college?
Start researching colleges using
CollegeBoard Big Future
College Board Scholarships for Juniors!!
BigFuture Scholarships for the Class of 2025
"There are no essay, minimum GPA, test score, or citizenship requirements. It’s easy to enter scholarship drawings each month. Simply complete one of the steps before the deadline, and you’ll be automatically entered to win $500 and $40,000! Students whose families earn less than $60,000 a year have extra chances at scholarships because they’re eligible two entries each drawing"