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  • North Star Attendance

    The State of Nevada mandates that every student shows progress in every class every week. Students are also expected to complete the weekly assigned coursework on their calendars for attendance compliance.

    Attendance Office

    775-353-6907 or email


    Highlights of Attendance Requirements: 

    Student with Laptop
    • Attendance is documented weekly, not daily.
    • The school week is from Saturday to Friday.
    • A parent must call, email, or webmail the attendance office with reasons for the absence within three days of an absence.
    • Vacations taken during the school year, hospitalization or unexpected trips must be reported to the Attendance Office. Extended trips out of the area must also be discussed with teachers so that there is a plan in place for students to be successful with their classes during an absence.
    • Students who do not make progress will be marked absent for the entire week. Progress for a class is demonstrated by completing and submitting a lesson or assessment for the class in the online learning platform. 
    • Attendance is recorded per course. Attendance letters will be sent to parents to indicate failure to comply with the mandated State Attendance Policy. If a student receives three letters, the parents and student will be required to meet with the principal, counselor, and teachers.
    • A student must earn at least a 90% attendance rate or they will be in danger of not receiving credit for the class.
    • Completing one lesson per week in each class will satisfy the attendance requirements, but does not guarantee the student will remain on track.
    • If a student does not attend one or more classes for 10 consecutive school days and the whereabouts of the pupil are unknown, or if a student does not attend any one class for 20 consecutive school days for any reason, the student will be withdrawn from North Star Online School. 
    • A student may work ahead in a class, but they still must complete and submit at least one lesson or assessment in order to be marked present for the class. If a student finishes a class, they are no longer required to meet the attendance requirement for that class. 


    Please contact North Star at 775-353-6900 with any questions regarding the school's attendance requirements. 
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