• About Us

    Incline Village, Nevada has one comprehensive high school. Incline High School is a four-year public high school enrolling 302 students in grades 9–12. The school opened in the fall of 1968 and graduated its first senior class in the spring of 1969. Incline High was accredited by AdvancED in 2016. Incline’s 2017- 2018 Accountability Report demographic information reports 41% of its population Hispanic, 54% white, and 4% two or more races.


    The academic program is organized on a rotating block schedule. Seven, half credits per semester is the minimum course load until senior year; students take six 100-minute block classes and one 50-minute class. Students attend three block classes and the 50 minute class daily. Block classes are year-long; each block class meets every other day. There are two semesters in a year for a total of 7 credits possible per year. The 50 minute class is designed to enrich students in college and post high school skills or is a support class for students’ classes and/or in skills attainment.

    These AP® courses are offered: Studio Art: Drawing, Art 2D and 3D Design, Calculus AB, Computer Science, Biology, English Language and Composition, English Literature, Environmental Science, Human Geography, Physics 1, Physics C , United States Government and Politics: We the People, and United States History. AP World Language and Culture courses offered include: French and Spanish. AP Research was added last year to add to AP Seminar for the complete AP Capstone Program. AP is an open- enrollment program but teacher referral is recommend.

    Honors classes are offered in Algebra II (STEM), Art (third year), Jazz and Concert Band (third and fourth years), Biology, Chemistry, English I, English II, Formal Geometry, Military Science (third year), and Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus. Also offered are French and Spanish (third year).

    Students are able and encouraged to earn college credits at local institutions of higher education through Dual Credit opportunities that are offered at Sierra Nevada College, Truckee Meadows Community College, the University of Nevada, Reno and Western Nevada College.

    Grading and Ranking

    A – Excellent 90–100% = 4.0

    B – Above average 80–90% = 3.0

    C – Average 70–80% = 2.0

    D – Below average 60–70% = 1.0

    F – Failure 59% or below = 0 Points

    We do calculate class ranking.

    Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

    GPA is computed using the above quality points from grade nine, all subjects, whether passed or failed. A minimum of 22.5 credits is required for graduation. . Students earning the Advanced Diploma have completed 24 credits, 4 years of Math, 3 of Science and attained a GPA of 3.25. Students earning Honors Diploma have completed the requirements for an Advanced Diploma, attained a 3.4 GPA, lab sciences for 2 of three science credits, 8 full years of honors and or AP credits and two years of the same foreign language. Honors classes are weighted by 0.025 and AP classes are weighted by 0.05. Grades are recorded on the transcript and GPA and ranking are computed in January and in June.