Welcome English 8 Students

Welcome to Dr. Nohrden's English 8 for 2025.

This is a straight forward English Language Arts class which you will need to pass in order to graduate.  Here are some important things to remember which will guarantee a passing grade:

1. Come to class regularly.  It's a lot easier to keep current on your assignments than trying to catch up on assignments for which you skipped a class.

2. Check either Canvas or my website regularly.  All assignments are posted on both Canvas and my website and correspond with the class day in which the assignment was given.  If you miss a class, review the class for that day and try to complete the assignment give the due date.  If you don't understand something, send me an email at pnohrden@washoeschools.net.

3. Pay attention to the instructions for submitting assignments.  Assignments are never turned in on Canvas. I will never check there to see if you turned in an assignment.  Assignments are usually turn in on paper form in class on the due date, are emailed to me (if instructed to do so), or submitted to Turnitin.com.

4. You control your grade.  Check your progress on Infinite Campus regularly: look for missing assignments and low grades on writing assignments that can be resubmitted.

5. Communicate with me regularly about any concerns you have.