• 23-24 DRLC

    Lunch Choir

    Director: Jennifer Tibben

    The Damonte Ranch Lunch Choi (jazz/a cappella), for singers in grades 10-12, is for the highly motivated, serious, and advanced music students. Entrance is by AUDITION ONLY at the discretion of the director. A Capella/Jazz Choir is designed to build upon the singing skills, multi-part singing, sight-reading, and other musicianship skills acquired in Concert and/or Mixed Choirs. Repertoire is all a cappella and includes contemporary a cappella and jazz tunes as well as master works from the classic choral repertoire.  Students will perform for the public in concerts and by invitation. With this training, students will be eligible to audition for Washoe County School District Honor Choir and Nevada All-State choir. Students will perform for the public in concerts and by invitation.

    Lunch Choir 2019  Lunch Choir at Choral Festival