23-24 Spring Sports tryout information-1st day of tryouts is Feb. 17th.
You must be cleared through RMA/Aktivate to tryout.
Baseball-JV and Varsity-Coach Pete Savage-Petes@savageandson.com
Contact Coach Savage about pre-season and tryout info.
Softball-JV and Varsity-Coach-Brian LaTorre -- Balatorre@Washoeschools.net
softball pre-season
Track and Field-JV and Varsity-Coach-Lewis Green-Coachgreen.trackandfield@gmail.com
Tracka nd Field pre-season
Swimming -Varsity only-Coach-Dave Hoover DDHoover0862@gmail.com
Swim/Dive profile
Swim/Dive expectations
Diving-Varsity only-maddiem551@gmail.com
Boys Golf-Varsity and JV-Coach Mike Edwards-MPedwards@washoeschools.net