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Library & Learning Commons
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HELLO PARENTS! You are an integral part of your student's success for sure, and we appreciate being partners with you on your student's school journey.
The library is an essential service that students need for success. The librarian is here to support your student's development in all types of literacy, including media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy, and, of course, reading and writing :) The library is also a great place to be for any student just looking for somewhere to relax and be comfortable, hang out during off-campus time, and feel safe. Whatever the need, we've got it covered!
Below are some links to helpful sites. Learning Express also has guides and tools for adults. Check it out!
Learning Express
The state subscribes to some great databases and Learning Express is great for access anytime, anywhere to college and career readiness information like AP, ACT, and SAT practice tests, information regarding pretty much any occupation (level of education needed, job descriptions, and more,) resume writing tips, etc. Check it out!
Library Bill of Rights
A love of reading is one of the greatest assets a person can have. We have a
diverse collection here at Damonte and encourage you to discuss with your
student what books they are reading. It opens up some great conversations
and keeps you in-the-know about what books they have checked out, what
interests them, and their personal views on a range of topics :)
Common Sense Media
This site is great for age appropriate recommendations about pretty much
anything - apps, books, movies, games. . .
If you would like your child to check out a laptop from the school, below are links to the forms in English and Spanish. You can print it and send it school with your student :) PLEASE NOTE: Devices are property of Washoe County School District. Device checkouts are on a year-to-year basis and laptops must be returned at the end of each school year. Additionally, a new/current parent permission form is required each school year.
The below link has all kinds of articles, tips, and advice for raising teens.