- Elementary Schools
- Family and Community Engagement
Póliza de Involucramiento de Padres y Familia en Título I
Esta pólíza describe cómo la escuela brindará oportunidades para mejorar la participación familiar, así como el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, y el apoyo de una asociación entre la escuela, las familias, y la comunidad. Esto mejorará el rendimiento académico de los
estudiantes. -
24-25 Family Engagement Policy (English)
This policy describes how Sun Valley Elementary School will provide opportunities to improve family engagement to support student learning and support a partnership among the school,
families, and the community to improve student academic achievement. -
Parent and Student Handbook
For information regarding student and parent policies and procedures at Sun Valley Elementary School.
Parent Volunteer Accord
Sun Valley Elementary Volunteer Expectations.
Parents' Right to Know
Title 1 is required to notify all Title 1 families about their Right to Know Information regarding their child.